The positive thread. find something, anything

Yeah it makes my arms and legs feel heavy.

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That’ll buy you a very nice g string and you’ll make it all back in tips in no time at all.
Best of luck.

And clamydia.
Dirty koalas.

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Chemists Own brand loratadine ( non drowsy) is the same as claratyne sold in supermarkets and much cheaper.

I have no idea what that is but I got a couple of Bunnings vouchers, and with a little bit of cash I scratched around got myself a chainsaw. Came with camping light, two battery’s, charger, and a charger that plugs into car ciggy lighter slot.



Wait, … the Chainsaw, … came with a Camping Light?

Weird combo.


Just booked a spur of the moment trip to Bali and leave Tuesday but will be back in time for the SANFL final Sunday


Not bothering with our final?

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Plenty of bars in Bali will be showing it, only trouble is there are more Perth residents in Bali than Perth nowadays :rofl:


I used to suffer terribly from hay fever. I saw an immunologist who ran tests to determine what i was allergic too. Then I went on a 6 month course of treatment where i was injected with what i was allergic to (some type of grass and dust mite). That was 20 years ago and have barely suffered with hay fever since.


Presumably electric.

Tell me about it. The rep was in Bunnings at the time and pointed out it was a promo and 50 bucks cheaper than the packs without the charger.

But yes I did have a wolf creek vibe when I read it.

Any way, back the the shed for a bit more shooting practice…

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That’s exactly where I went. lol

Used to work for big pharma, so I struggle to buy the no name brand. Think I’ll start with the rhinocort, and add in the claratine (the kids chewable grape flavour are fricken DElicious.)

Plus, with the ads on blitz (check the ads thread) I’m getting I def don’t want to be self medicating.

Is that through some sort of loyalty and not wanting to deprive them of their massive highway robbery profits, :smirk: … or a mistrust of homebrand quality/genuinely being what’s claimed situation?

Because if it’s the latter, tests have been done on random samples of at least the ibruprofen (hidden away on the bottom shelf out of eyeline) HB versions by Choice, and been proven to be exactly the same as the bullshitting ultra bastards Nurofen brand.

(Basically, if people still buy Nurofen, … they are just nuts, or don’t watch the news. )

*(Or maybe, given Nurofen advertise on all the Com Channels, it would have to have been ABC News to know what they did ?? :thinking:)

a google warrior taking on someone thats worked in the industry.

seen it all with bsd.

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Stand back fellas, I got this one…

Pls ignore whatever the child said.

Genuinely interested in the insider info.


Actually by law all generic medicine needs to be tested so that its efficiency is exactly the same as the brand name medicine.

I know this because I participated in multiple studies testing drugs to help me get through uni.


I take your point, some of them are identical (same factory) but sold through a third party as a ‘fighting’ brand.

Back when I was selling the stuff they only had to be within 20% of the effective dose.

But to be honest, I’ll buy the edit: expensive one if it has the superior presentation. I’ll usually get something that you can swallow without water, the cheap ones usually taste rubbish.

So over the counter stuff I don’t mind. But I refuse to go generic when the pharmacist offers to switch. It’s not cause it’s cheaper, it’s because they make more money.

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