My dad got over 1000 credit returned to him his last bill from his solar panels. I didn’t realise you could cash it out. Good deal
She a bomber?
No but will try haha my other niece is 3 will see if she’s interested
So you visited a woke establishment on Aus Day who upset all their patrons by not having balloons and streamers, no wonder there was no-one there?
Best not.
She probably wont but did watch a little of Australian Open with me haha she seemed to like the Tennis
Luisa plums are ripe!
So we are scheduled to move back into the house this weekend. (Next 4 days will be moving boxes, books and bric-a-brac and reassembling furniture) from apartments and in-laws). Removalist company also bringing back stuff.
Baby was born on Monday but pretty ill so the wife has been with him at the Childrens hospital. Big 4 days coming up to get us all back in by Sunday. I wont be able to see the baby these next few days so that will be tough for me. Work has been amazing with being flexible for the parental leave.
Old mate (Sonny) and his wife and child are also moving out on the 15th which is a cause of celebration as he has been here in these apartments for 7months (not including the time he went back to China over Christmas) to their brand new home in Clyde. We are Trying to time that we leave together as we are the longest residents that they have currently. We are going to gather and have a BBQ on last night. Will be pretty sad if I leave the day after but will slog my guts out to make it happen.
Congrats on the birth.
Fingers crossed on baby health (and mum of course) and the move and everything else. Sounds like an absolute intense time.
Cancun, 10am.
As a young fella growing up in Oak Park I never really thought Id see the Caribbean.
Pretty effin stoked.
It cannot be stated strongly enough, just how far superior Sol is to Corona as a beer.
Corona’s reputation as a beer far, far exceeds reality, as it is to beer what a weak, decaf latte with almond milk is to coffee.
Where exactly Sol sits as a beer generally can certainly be debated, but the fact that it craps all over Corona from a great height cannot…
You can’t drink SOL at night!
Right now, I am a god- so night is day.
( I achieve this by willing my mind back to Australia where ut us in fact daytime)
Besides, it was all that was in the mini bar
Looks a lot like Oak Park swimming pool in 1968.
It was a Swans player and not a Bomber who was caught trying to buy drugs.
Thats a positive.
Bit of a random musing so don’t feel like you need to read all if too long:
If you told me 4 months ago you would get teary with a bloke you only met during your long term accomodation stint, I would be telling you “your dreaming”.
Well I did. I blubbed this morning while sitting on my worn deckchair with a hot cuppa as I said farewell to Old Mate Sonny. Maybe it was the rain and mood as we both smiled and chatted ahead of his morning jog up and down the road outside our apartment block. His wife was packing up the rental removal van with his son. Both excited to be moving into their home after 7 months of living in the same apartment (at $400 a night mind you).
We did get close considering we saw each other every day (except that time he was in back home in China over Christmas). But I was glad we both moved out at the exact same time and we had a bit og a laugh as we both didn’t think it would happen.
If I could think of a positive, it would be this:
- When life threw us both lemons, we made lemonade and the most of a rubbish situation.
Even though we will most likely never meet again, I will always remember him. His smile and wave as he ran past and the stop for a chat before or after work. We tried to make a neighbourly feel by popping in every now and again.
Now as I sit here knackerer after moving back into our fixed up home I cant help but think I will miss the apartment. There were lots of “firsts” in the 4 months for me: both my kids had their firsts birthdays away from home, we had our first apartment Christmas and my youngest was born while living there.
It was a crazy 4 months, but one I will remember always.