The positive thread. find something, anything

Is that exhibition worth the $$?
Mrs B wants to sign us up for it.

I’m gun-shy now after a couple of very poor value-for-money Melbourne exhibitions she dobbed us into.

I think $38ea for the two hours we spent there is pretty good value just generally, and I really enjoyed this exhibition.

Edit: you may wish to go in not school holidays?
It was busy, but we were fine with that.

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Sounds a bit more promising than the godawful thing at Marvel last year she spent over a hundred on that was over and done with in barely 10 minutes.

I promise it’s nothing like that.

thanks for the reminder Wim, have been wanting to go to that and the Cats & Dogs one :slight_smile:

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I was sceptical about acupuncture for a neck problem I had. Went to Doctor who does sessional work locally and he told me he would fix it after four sessions using both needles and laser. After two sessions no change, but Mrs Fox made me continue, after 4 seasons neck was completely healed and I had full movement. I am a convert.

Clearing out the fridge to make way for all the stuff we’ve been cooking. Every now and then, you’ll find a long list beer that you never drank.

Well, I found 4 of the farkers! Now the gotta be drunk to fit stuff in the fridge.


Your hands are tied!

It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it.

Temu got my back!

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Curious BF, what was the neck problem, just stiff or something a bit more?

I had very limited movement, could turn it to the left without much pain, but to the right could not turn it much at all. Probably due to my politics !

Now have full movement both ways without pain. doc said it was compression in discs in my neck, don’t know how acupuncture works but it did for me.

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I know nothing about the night sky, and I’m the city, so lots of light pollution. But…you can see some of our nearest planets very clearly, and they might even line up closely later this month.

There’s a couple of apps that use augmented reality to help you identify what you’re looking at. Best one I have got is Stellarium. It will let you zoom in on stars 1,000+ light years away.

Go outside.
Look up.
See something that’s been there ‘forever’

3 Likes,vid:tyxbP4juCOA,st:0

Jon Lovitz is great and his sign off when he finishes the song as Jimmy Moore in 1998’s The Wedding Singer is hilarious.

So general update/Musings from living in an apartment for roughly 2.5 months (since November):

Kids have become accustomed to the noise that apartments/motels can bring from their bloody thin walls. Christmas and new years was makeshift (spent Christmas at in-laws).

Old mate (our Asian friend who had been here for over about 9 months) went back to China just before Christmas and will be back sometime in February and hopefully his house will be ready and built then.

I find myself being lonely, though, as he was a consistent for me. Someone to chat to on his morning jog. I took up walking the track he would jog out the front of our apartment.

Biggest thing has been some of the characters we have come across. Few people using the rooms for an hour… surprisingly during the middle of the day :wink:. I have noticed and chatted to few in passing. New Years eve was a quiet one. I am planning on using the BBQ area on Australia Day to cook a BBQ.

The cleaners have been nice.
We have been told our house will be repaired by mid February. Baby is also due mid February.