The Reigning Dj King! is @frankston_bomber2005

I make that 10.

This might be my only chance to play genuine current country - so I’m going for it. I’ve checked there is a chicken wire screen in front of the DJ decks to protect me from projectiles.

The Soderberg sisters from Sweden have ingested the americana songbook used it as inspiration in writing their own songs. They were at Bluesfest at Easter.


Yes to first aid kit

Absolutely loved their early stuff, just so beautiful, but this is a sad sad change in direction for mine.


Possibly my weakest yes to date.

Well, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. But, I’m concerned that a yes would embolden you to play more country nonsense. So…


Dear DJ,

I do not like the music you play.



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Like when there’s a teeny tiny dribble of cordial left in the bottle and you try to make a full glass out of it weak?


Made me feel good.


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The empty cordial botton moved past the glass on the way to the bin.

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Weak like a Scot trying to get a tan lying half naked in the moonlight?

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Not the worst but still a no

I like the angle but not this song enough, earnest but no.


I rately give nos. But this one’s a no. Sorry

Weak like Sam Gray trying to tackle Hooksy?

Weak like Cyril’s hammies.

I didn’t mind it but can’t see myself listening to it many more times, just needed a better hook. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt with a yes.

Meh. Decidedly av.