The Reigning DJ King (MKV) @Preliminary_Point2...playing some stuff

Celtic yes.

Only two days ago I’m belting this out in the kitchen while making the toddlers breakfast thinking “this has to go in my next set”.

Yes of course.


My partner has a Pogues best of in the car at the moment, and this one seems to always be on. I don’t mind it. Yes.

Who was it that hated bad teeth?

Never liked this song, even though I appreciate the evocative imagery it creates.

A sorry no.

I never really liked this song either. But for some reason, I didn’t mind it just then.

So, yes.


DJ up_up (ninth spin)
SONG #1264 Dirty old town, the Pogues

YES: RC, jez, Zimm, Peos, Kira




Saw these guys in London in the 1980’s

Real deal, love them

Pogue means literally “kiss my ■■■■■”
In Gaelic


Pogue mahone

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So that’s a yes for the song? I mean, think of the memories!

You know what this song reminds me of? The mid-late 90’s explosion of Irish pubs around Melbourne. Bridie O’Reilly’s, Mollie Blooms etc. - they were everywhere. Of course, they bear very little resemblance to a real Irish bar (just as the myriad Aussie bars in London in no way resemble us…) The best thing about them though was a beer called Caffrey’s which they all had on tap. I first tried it in Dublin and locals referred to it as a “pale stout”. It was thick and creamy like Guinness, but was golden-brown and didn’t taste like a beer that someone had tipped an ashtray into. Nectar of the Gods it was (did bad, bad things to one’s guts though…)
At one point you could even buy it from bottle-shops in those tall, self-gassing cans with the widgets in them.
Obviously it eventually disappeared - a great shame, as I miss it dearly.

Yes to the song - I don’t like it, but will let it slide for these memories alone.


Yeah I didn’t mind a caffreys or Kilkenny

And now even the Celtic Club has been demolished.

We always went to Pugg Mahones!


I think they have a lot of better songs, but still a yes to this awkwardly dated song.
Not quite traditional, not quite modern.


Hears about a metal set… wanders back in to find the ■■■■■■■ Pogues.



Good call, written in 1949 ( @TDSpartan instaban) for a play.