The Reigning DJ King (MKV) @Preliminary_Point2...playing some stuff

Ok, give me a few minutes…

This is short and sharp, but it gives a good impression of what seeing Dropkick Murphys live was like back when they were cool. This is off their live album, which is really the only thing of theirs I still listen to, but i saw them play this exact set at the Corner, and it’s probably the best gig I ever saw.

Speaking of famous gigs… This is my favourite live album of all time. I saw the tour of this album at the music bowl, but I was kinda working and couldn’t take (very many) drugs. It was still spectacular, what I saw of it. Dedicated to @Klawdy (finally it got played!)

The killers weren’t this good when I saw them, but geez they are good here. What a gig this would have been.


Y - even though I didn’t think much of it, but it was live and powerful.
N - it was a giant nightclub, not a live act (my only problem with EDM). Two blokes effectively playing a record (and yes I know there is more to it than that)
Y - My first thought was that many people jumping up and down cant be good for the structure of a building that never foresaw people doing that. And Killers!

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Enjoyed all those.
The first for the bass player having the guitar below his knees where it friggin’ should be.
I’d like to have played the second track myself but it seemed too jarring in the middle of any of the other two songs.
And the performance of the last song was awesome.

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Maaaaate! I was hoping to get in before you so I could spin it. It gives me goosebumps every single time.

Y, fark Y, Y.

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It was always a race to get it played.

You wanna spin next, btw?

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Yeah, I reckon if you judge a performance by how much the crowd is loving it… That concert is right up there.

Teenage girls lose their ■■■■ for One Direction, does that mean you’re rating One D concerts right up?

No. you ■■■■■■■ don’t.


I LOVED that Dropkick Murphys song! Would make a good rowdy, drunk song to sing at the footy (with a few lyric changes): “For Bombers, for Bombers…” Didn’t like the other songs, though: YNN


I’m not.

But the teenage girls are, which is the point. They get an experience from that, that is the same as you seeing your favourite band. Actually, theirs is probably better.

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Chop would have hated the Beatles too.




So it’s an entirely subjective judgement. righto then.

I considered She’s So Fine, but I couldn’t find one where you could hear above the screaming kids.

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Alt facts…
my old man’s got an original press of Abbey Road which I reckon I’ve played more than him… I’m just waiting for him to croak so I can get my hands on it for good.

But carry on.

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That first song was sick, Peos. Well played.

Enjoy your time at home, LB.

Klawdy, I haven’t played for 25 years.

Great to see Uncle Chop back in the game & salty AF. Love it.

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