The Reigning DJ King (MKV) @Preliminary_Point2...playing some stuff

Yes. Really interesting. Will be following that one up.

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Morning gents.

By my calculations that’s 6-6.

Too boring for my liking. Sorry but gonna have to be a No.

Au revoir Robin… it was so Close

OK thanks for the spin. That was a marathon vote! Preferred successors :


I’m not sure that any of those nominees have been active in the thread Robin (either at all, or for quite some time)

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Ok @Hoffy. Or @budge?

Yeah, @Hoffy hasn’t had a spin since Oct. @budge had a fairly recent one.

@Kira and @frosty should have another crack soon as well - and @choppsuey hasn’t had a spin since September according to the SS.

I’ll have a go (short and sweet)…

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Ps: haven’t got access to spreadsheet so apols if i have doubled up.

This hasn’t been played before so all good :slight_smile:

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Posting off phone? If it is an android phone you can access the spreadsheet through the link at the start of the thread, it is a google doc. Not sure about iphones, would need to ask someone who owns one.

Yep, Android. Thanks LB, I try it.


Yeah, I can access it from my iPhone. Would be a pain in the butt to scroll through on the phone, though.

Can you send it to me? ill have a listen crack…can you remember what radio station it was from?


oh and no for the song

If you click on the 3 dots (sounds like something from a movie) in the top right corner, you get the option to find and replace. Use that to search for the title of the song you are thinking of playing or the band.


And yes to the X-masy song.


Yes, and I love how this has continued to grow as an essential Christmas fave over recent years.

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Yes - my partner plays this quite often. Not sure if she’s trying to tell me something.