The Team vs Geelong

In: Gwilt, Fantasia, Kav
Out: Fletch, Jerrett, Jobe

Emg: Browne, Edwards, Jerrett

Thank you LYSP!


I’m starting to think that NOB won’t get a call up this year. Especially once Hocking and Myers return to the side. And also Zaka and Winderlique. I hope we extend his contract by another year though, as I still think he can make a good contribution long term.

I’m assuming one of Fantasia, Kav-an-agg-har or Ambrose will be the sub. Personally I hope it’s not Fantasia.

Should have dropped Chappy before Jerrett.

Should have dropped Chappy before Jerrett.

I do tend to agree but I also think a player of his caliber should be given a chance to turn his form around after an injury and can only assume they would be thinking against Geelong would be the best opportunity to do that.
I do however recall he hasn’t played an outstanding game of chappie of old levels against Geelong yet. I actually think he stunk it up last time round.


Will edwards ever play a game
that is the question

Will edwards ever play a game that is the question

Next Season!

I'm starting to think that NOB won't get a call up this year. Especially once Hocking and Myers return to the side. And also Zaka and Winderlique. I hope we extend his contract by another year though, as I still think he can make a good contribution long term.

It looked obvious since the start of the pre season that we’d have to be in diabolical trouble before NOB got a game.

Which would mean extending his contract is no chance, nor should it be.

Should have dropped Chappy before Jerrett.


Fantasia sub, to be subbed on for Kav halfway through the third.

No Browne is disappointing

I'm starting to think that NOB won't get a call up this year. Especially once Hocking and Myers return to the side. And also Zaka and Winderlique. I hope we extend his contract by another year though, as I still think he can make a good contribution long term.

It looked obvious since the start of the pre season that we’d have to be in diabolical trouble before NOB got a game.

Which would mean extending his contract is no chance, nor should it be.

Thanks for the perspective. RIP NOB. I’ll go have a cry and get over it in a few days.

Fantasia sub, to be subbed on for Kav halfway through the third.


Jerrett dropped or injured?

Jerrett dropped or injured?

He’s listed as an emg.

Seriously Jerret played one of his best games and then gets ommitted.

Gwilt?? really???

Happy fanta got a run but he will be sub and then dropped the following week.

Should have dropped Chappy before Jerrett.



I don’t get dropping Jackson at all. He played well last week, and just as he appears to be settling in, out you go!

I'm starting to think that NOB won't get a call up this year. Especially once Hocking and Myers return to the side. And also Zaka and Winderlique. I hope we extend his contract by another year though, as I still think he can make a good contribution long term.

It looked obvious since the start of the pre season that we’d have to be in diabolical trouble before NOB got a game.

Which would mean extending his contract is no chance, nor should it be.

Thanks for the perspective. RIP NOB. I’ll go have a cry and get over it in a few days.

Didn’t realise that you were such a big NOB fan…