The Twit show Musk go on

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lol is that the guy that lives in Malaysia and has literally never been to the US at any point in his life?


Yes. Yes he is.

Like a twitter version of special agent Johhny Utah?

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Please name another company which is providing Internet services and telephony via mega satellite constellations.

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Please try not to take everything as an insult to your favourite tech bro. Teledesic was just one and I believe the rough idea (which is what I said it was, not a competitor) has been floating around since the 70’s.

“ Teledesic was the first company to plan to offer broadband connectivity using a constellation of low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites. Craig McCaw, who had sold McCaw Cellular to AT&T, founded Teledesic in 1990and it got a big visibility and credibility boost when Bill Gates made a small ($5 million) investment in the company.”

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Yeah an overreaction from me. It’s just that almost everything said on here is having a go at him. Some things warranted of course.

There are a few other companies that have constellations of around 100 satellites.


And from me, no worries

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I mean the thread was created to take the ■■■■ out of what he was doing at Twitter, I’m not sure what else you expected



Rabble rabble rabble



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