The Weather Thread (not allowed to talk about rain)

The point I am trying to make (clearly very unsuccessfully) is the definition of the word ‘heatwave’.

In my original post from hours ago:

Is one day and one night of “severe” heat a “heatwave” in Melbourne in December? I don’t think so. Am I saying people shouldn’t take the appropriate precautions on that one day of exceptional temperatures? No.

Does it really matter? Seems incredibly pedantic.

Who gives a ■■■■ what the media says? They always report dramatically about everything. It’s an extremely hot day today in many parts of the country so just keep yourself, the family and pets cool and stop stressing.

Was a good 5 degrees cooler down the beach with an added cool onshore wind. Only felt like 26 [Processing: IMG20221227135722.jpg…]

“My research found that in Australia, there were over 36,000 deaths associated with the heat between 2006 and 2017. This equates to about 2% of total deaths in Australia for this time period.”

Whoever invented evaporative cooling, thanks.

Open up the doors and windows. Costs fark all to run. Pretty quiet.

Only a couple of humid days a year it doesn’t work, the rest it’s bonza.


I’m heading out tomorrow night so I’m a little more invested in this than I normally would be but so much of this forecast on BOM seems all over the shop.

So there’s a 20% chance of any rain, but despite there only being a 1 in 5 chance of rain oh by the way, there could possibly be a severe thunderstorm :sweat_smile:
Fark me, talk about having a bob each way :sweat_smile:

And then the description on the right says 70% chance of rain in the Dandenongs and 40% chance elsewhere. Yet on the left it says 20% lol!!

Anyway, I am but a novice and I’m sure for the initiated weather reader this all makes perfect sense.

Definitely a dogs breakfast that forecast. The work experience kids will be in at the BOM right now over the Christmas break in what is usually one of the hardest times of the year to forecast. Looks like their computer model forecast that comes up with the dialogue accompanying the forecast isn’t communicating very well with the temperature forecast/headline.

Winds turn more south-easterly tomorrow so unless your night out is in the Dandenongs or anywhere near the hills of West/South Gippsland, you’ll be fine.

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Haha yeah it definitely seems that way! Glad I’m not the only one who found it confusing.

Oh good, nah heading out to the city so sounds like I should be sweet. Cheers.

The cookers are onto it!

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Meh, they have been saying that since the 70’s.

The only weather “manipulation” is cloud seeding which does happen in this country and many others. But even this is questionable in just how effective it really is.

The other speculation is ridiculous though.

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East of the state & the Alpine areas copping a thundery drenching this afternoon.

Can see the Cumulonimbus clouds producing this when looking east from Melbourne. Won’t reach here today though… maybe a bit closer tomorrow afternoon.

What a superb 9-10 days coming up.

RIP La Niña?

Recent reports are of a neutral system between March and December and then the return of El Niño.

On the plus side, less cooker posts.
On the negative side, don’t throw your butts out the window (not that I do).


The transition period out of La Niña (or El Niño) can confuse long range climate models. They tend to have low confidence.
I’d be holding tight until we’re out of this transition, I think we be much wiser mid year.

I’m always telling my kids not to dob, but I’m happy to be a hypocrite here and say I’ve lagged in many a grub to the epa for this offence. I hope they all got fined.

Annnnyyyway how goods this weather but…


Glorious summer morning in Melbourne.

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Travelled a fair bit but nowhere does the “nice day” better, in my opinion. It’s the blue, lack of humidity, bit of a breeze when we need one. Totally biased of course.