Thorpedo - gay

I still don't believe it. Definitely not gay despite what he may say


Anyone who still feels that homosexuality is a decision and not innate should look no further for evidence to the contrary.

Anyone who still feels that homosexuality is a decision and not innate should look no further for evidence to the contrary.


just putting that out there.... anyone want to bite?

Anyone who still feels that homosexuality is a decision and not innate should look no further for evidence to the contrary.

You lost me just after 'feels'.

i can see this thread going the way of the Vax thread.

He banged sheilas and is now gay.


Would have thought that made him bi but that's splitting hairs

He banged sheilas and is now gay.
Would have thought that made him bi but that's splitting hairs

Maybe you should've got the 400k for the interview seeing as you know more about his sexuality than him.

He banged sheilas and is now gay.


Would have thought that made him bi but that's splitting hairs

Mate we've all banged people who we're not really attracted to.


He banged sheilas and is now gay.
Would have thought that made him bi but that's splitting hairs

Maybe you should've got the 400k for the interview seeing as you know more about his sexuality than him.



Did he really get paid for that?

It seems that he couldn't "come out" because of his lucrative sponsorships in Japan. Apparently still frowned upon over there but, considering their farked up sexual fetishes, he would have looked quite pedestrian in that society. Glad he's finally done it though. The personal burden would have been tremendous.

It seems that he couldn't "come out" because of his lucrative sponsorships in Japan. Apparently still frowned upon over there but, considering their farked up sexual fetishes, he would have looked quite pedestrian in that society. Glad he's finally done it though. The personal burden would have been tremendous.

Is/was that the biggest contributing factor to it ? money.


If so hmmm. Otherwise seems silly to have left it til now, as the aussie way there's only really two ways it'd have been taken.

1 mockery of the fact he hid it so badly

2 attempts at humour, prolly moreso at the situation rather than him being gay and it being a bad thing.


most of the country will/would have moved on and not really cared one way or the other after a couple of days.


But I guess none of us know the pressure he grew up with, moreso in regards to his swimming, hopefully it's a stepping stone to getting over his depression, whether not being able to admit it publically was an issue or not.

Bluntest thread title ever.

The cynic in me suggest he did this for the cash, considering how his business ventures dried up recently.


Not surprising to see the hypocrisy of the Hun talking about how 'brave' he is. Considering they were one of the 'ARE YOU GAY' brigade around since the 2000's. Wankers.


I'd have been disgusted if he'd admitted to being a 'Bronie'.