Tribunal/MRP - from 2021 - head-butting of fists is allowed

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That should be 10 weeks, minimum. Dog act.


He’s just balancing the concussions taken and given.


Will McGovern get a week for his jumper punches on Hind?

Dog Act ??

The other bloke was the instigator, and Paddy gave him a warning, but the dill persisted. One week, just for not knocking him down to the ground. Yeah, yeah Paddy should not have hit him, but he didn’t start it.


good gags.

Did you watch the video?

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Yep. Did you ??

Clearly the Geelong bloke confronted him face on, and clearly the Geelong bloke cannot fight.

Ok, he smacked the bloke in the face, and he will suffer the consequence, but I have watched Merrett (and others) get this sort of crap for years and when they have a go back, they get in trouble and not the jerk who started it.


you might’ve had more concussions with Paddy…

Cool your jets, AFL governance lover.

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The bloke wasn’t trying to hit him in any way, just impede him which is what you do on a footy field. Seriously BF you have lost the plot if you think he instigated getting hit in the face or that he should know how to fight as though he should be expecting a punch.

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You realise he could be charged with assault and end up facing Jail time for this, and without doubt would be if it happened off the footy field,… right? :thinking:

He started it, … wut?

That’s football, the blokes doing his job, trying to get under his skin and distract him.

You “Get him back” by smashing into him with your body, not by punching him in the face/head and risking concussion.

You know how many blokes have died in One Punch attacks across the past decades? You can’t condone this shitt on a Football field and make young blokes in the crowd think this sort of thing is ok.

One Week, … Jeezuz.


Yeah, one of the reasons I love my ice hockey more than most sports. If a bloke is getting whacked with cheap shots he gets a legitimate chance to square up and clock them.
In the AFL the one who retaliated usually cops it.
Paddy will get his whack for that, 4-6 weeks most likely



Impede him !! The ball was acres away. He had not reason to even contact him, and “impeding” is actually not in the rules. Aaron Black is an experienced player, Club Captain, on the Coachuing Staff and he knew exactly what he was doing.

That is part of the game, punching someone in the face isn’t. You make it sound like Black was tying to hit him, he wasn’t, just niggling him which happens every weekend in every level of football, in every single game. Only McCartin managed to punch someone in the jaw about it.

There is NO justification for punching someone. In football or in society at all.


I used to love whacking blokes on the field but that from Paddy was something else and you won’t get away with it these days

Doubtful, unless he killed him.

It is not football at all. Even so-called Taggers job is to make sure their opponent doesn’t not get the ball , within the rules, and “getting under his skin” is not in the rules, never has been.

Garbage. There are times in life where it’s required.


This is why you don’t give people with cte 5th chances at footy careers.