TV show thread (2013-2022)

Been looking forward to this. It’s been a while.

Prequel starts in 2 weeks


Cruise as Reacher never bothered me. I thought the first movie was great fun, well crafted, and very watchable, the second wasn’t nearly as entertaining. Though admittedly a key part of that puzzle would be that I read my first Reacher book after and because of that first movie. I’ll happily re-watch it any time it’s on. Second not at all.

I just smashed the new Reacher series in a day. A lot of fun, and pretty close to the book.


Loved Dark so much, it gets more confusing in season 3 but everything makes sense in the end.


I know they messed up the timeline in Vikings, but I think the new one is more of a spinoff rather than a prequel.

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Not Dark

Dark Desire…Deseo Oscuro. Only just reached season 2.

Yes. Quite good, although ep1 with Conan and the hot sauce was the peak, IMO.

I’ve also started “Murder In Successville”, the UK original and, as is always the case, the UK version is superior.

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Season 2 is so dumb. I stopped watching.

Ah my bad, haven’t seen Dark Desire I’ll have a look


I shall use the salty tears of the “but the ending was perfect” crowd to lubricate my immediate downloads.

Hello, meatbags.


I wonder if they’ll do to Fry, what they did to He-Man?

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I’m not familiar with rhis, ither than the Skeletor “buy me a drink first” memes.

If you want, you can let Rocky get you up to speed on the He-man reboot controversy.

Should probably NSFW tag this, too.
(And Kyle Dunnigan is doing some of the funniest stuff on the internet atm.)


ozark is excellent. im not sure I’ve met someone who doesnt like it


“A sullen lesbian, as she explores her identity through a severe haircut”…

That is gold and I shall be looking for further such content.

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Better Call Saul returns on April 18th.


I’m halfway through the Reacher TV series now.

It’s pretty good, I like it, and it actually feels like I am reading a book in a series.

Maybe that’s because it’s so unrealistic, or hmmm, what cop wouldn’t invite a civilian to run their investigation?

Anyway it’s tough, and it’s fun, the characters are likeable and it’s easy to follow, hopefully it finishes well and there are more seasons to come.


Last series of Saul isn’t it Bert?