TV show thread (2022-?)

Are you talking about the reboot finale from 24 live another day? Agree that was annoying. The real finale (i like to think this) in season 8 was great, the goodbye with Chloe had me teary eyed, great duo.

Mitch Brown for mine


I just finished the last series last night. Great throughout.


Weird? For me that point was reached at the end of the first episode.

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the fkn howl i let out when i scrolled down assuming he was portraying glenn mcgrath then saw the name

as a tactic of trying to get rid of local content quota requirements, itā€™s not a bad way to go about it

Yeah Iā€™m talking about the one from Live another day (set in London)

Yeah they should of ended it after season 8, that finale would of worked perfectly.

The series really did have some of the greatest villains I have ever seen on tv

Nina Meyers
Sherri Palmer
Charles Logan

Not too mention all the other villains they had over the journey. But those 3 above- I couldnā€™t wait for them to get what they had coming

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Nina Meyers and Sherri Palmer :ok_hand:


Deadloch has gotten really good

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Michael Portilloā€™s Coastal Train Journeys on SBS has just started. As a lover of all things trains, l am a fan. Starting on The Isle of Mann.


Fantastic show, one of my faves

Just started the second season. Loved the first season.


Enjoy, itā€™s great.

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The Righteous Gemstones is bloody good TV

Love John Goodman to start with, but pairing him with Danny McBride and Adam Devine as a parody of hillsong type mega churches, just your perfect recipe. A little bit Arrested Development, a little bit Workaholics, a little bit Breaking Bad. Some other wes anderson type actors get some great cameos.

Highly recommend.

Now starting Strange New Worlds, but think I may be late to the party and thereā€™s a series beforehand I should watch?


a couple episodes through season 2 now, might get it done by the weekend at this rate.
Iā€™m really liking it.

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Working my way through Dead Loch. Thatā€™s a quality show, very well written and produced. Very funny Aussie comedy. A combination of a Scandinavian moody detective story combined with Australian absurdist humour.

Also re-watching Justified. New series is currently in production. Quality cool fun show. Cowboy redneck organised crime.

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How about Jonny Giger

finished season 2 Mr Inbetween last night.
might have to watch the new top gun movie as well on binge, they have a few movies I havenā€™t seen.


Black Mirror - Season 6 - Episode 3 - Under the Sea

Boy oh boy.

Thought the concept was amazing but found it a bit predictable and drawn out in the middle part, but that ending, wow. Classic Black Mirror gut punch.

Aaron Paul was awesome.


Deadloch is great. I have NFI who done it and look forward to the finale

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