Ty Vickery and Jake King believed to be under Police investigation

Hang on Vickery is studying for a law degree, boy oh boy wowee, there goes that career path.

And just for good measure,
Vickery choose to learn about possession, because he couldn’t get one.

I’ll get my coat.


And if the Push-Up King followed through with his threats, he’d have to work out what disposal means.


Ah yes, the only good Chip.

I heard the AFL explicitly signed off on Vickery moving to Hawthorn, without reviewing his character.


Does the movie “Get Hard” have any relevance here?

Genuine LOLs at the media calling Super Spud, an AFL Star. What a load of rubbish.

To be fair that’s the first thing I thought of as well when I read “Extortion”.

I can only guess that anyone else charged would be King’s interpretter. “Duh duh uh I fink you’se err owe uz der monies duh duh”.


I would expect a debt collector like Jake king to be on the dodgy side of edgy.

Normally as close as debt collectors get to a debtor, is when they ask you your name and give you some court papers.
They don’t usually roll up on a Harley with 2 gorillas.

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Two questions. 1) Anyone eaten at Fat Monkey? and 2) How on earth did T Vickery land Arina Rodionova?

  1. No
  2. Extortion


Bahahahaha!!! Use a certain Carlton man to collect debt?? Ur kidding right? He goes and extort the people who owe, then if he gets anything he tell the person who hired him to collect that he couldn’t get it!!!

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Great first post @Carol dredging up an old thread of blitz favourite whipping boys


That post is something else. Off to a flier.

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Lol what a debut

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