Unpopular Opinion

You do you and I’ll do me. Cheers.


Probably equal parts unpopular and popular opinion, but anyway…
Corona is to beer what those soda waters with a hint of fruit flavour are to soft drinks.

“Oh, but it’s a great summer beer”. No, it’s not. It’s beer-flavoured water.

How it managed to carve out an international reputation is quite beyond me. There are any number of superior Mexican beers, let alone beers that “go well in summer”. It’s the Mexican beer equivalent of VHS over Beta (a triumph of marketing over substance).

Worse still it spawned a whole host of equally pisspoor copies - incl Carlton Cold, that terrible Hahn beer that was around for a few years - that were seemingly omnipresent in the early-mid 90’s (remember the dying days of VFL Park when all you could get to drink was Carlton Cold in plastic bottles… no wonder people hated the farking place…)


I prefer 4x summer beer or Boags St George.
When they pulled them from the market i got a couple of cartons and slowly drank them, then like ten years later they brought the St George beer back.

When in Portugal they only had 2 types of beer, Sagres & Superbock.
And we went to a festival and they only served superbock…

Superbock was terrible.
Sagres was quite nice.

Carlton will make finals this year.

They’d have to fark things up pretty bad not to make finals.

:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: is this now the make me want to vomit thread?


You mean, you didnt already vom at the mention of Creed?


I suffered through a few of those plastic bottles of Carlton Cold.

They were atrocious.

Water + alcohol = sparkling conversation, so i’ve been told the day after

Bottled depression. I mean moreso than usual. The very thought of those bottles makes me unhappy now

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There’s a whole industry of finding new angles of marketing very bland beers to people who like very bland beer.
Be it Furphy, Peroni, Corona, Great Northern, Heineken, any mainstream American beer.

Tasty beer is very very unlikely to ever be the most popular beer. It just isn’t. So it’s just finding new ways of marketing the same thing.

Bottom line is they don’t “carve out” markets, there’s 2 giant brewing companies who spend zillions on marketing them and jamming them down everyone’s throat.

Root beer.

Don’t mind a peroni red.


The imported Italian Peroni is friggin great.


Yeah sure is ……iccccccyyyyy cold

There is a great thread for this riveting conversation:

The red is fine. Not great, but fine.

The Azurro one is just super bland standard generic Asahi-SABmiller euro beer.

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That thread is reserved for good beer.


Get on the Desperados. Like drinking bread infused fizzy water, with a hint of citrus.