US politics - the end of an error

I have seen so many pictures of Swedish windmills this week that I’m beginning to think that Texas may not have any. :slightly_smiling_face:


Texas’ most famous country band



In my limited experience - a short working holiday - it’s like most other places in that there are plenty of good people and also lots of stupid and ignorant ones. It does promote itself as somewhat redneck though, and there are plenty of walking, talking examples. I have a souvenir shot glass typical of the tourist merch: “Texas: We don’t call 911”.

Wind farms are not near Houston , most are to the north near Lubbock and around there. Probably just as much snow and colder there than in Houston though.

Some are massive with hundreds of turbines

Most of the power for Houston comes from natural gas and oil; and the nuclear plant at Bay City to the soth west.

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Yep, they sure are into Huntin, Shootin and Fishin !!

Was worth going there just to see Jimmy Vaughan play live in Austin


Lots more in West Texas, near - well not very much. But visible from the I-10 between Fort Davis and San Antonio.

Renewables like wind and solar can contribute up to 20 percent of the Texas power grid, but they were forecast to account for just 7 percent of the winter grid, with some 80 percent of electricity in the state’s capacity projected to come from natural gas, coal and a bit of nuclear power. And while some wind turbines in Texas froze, many of them kept turning.


So it’s happened before and they did nothing


Odd driving through that area and also seeing an oil pump in basically every paddock.

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Wife’s family all live in Austin, TX. Her parents were without power for a couple of days and now neither her parents or brother (who has 1yo twins) have water. Her dad was melting snow on the gas stove this morning! Grocery stores are either closed or out of stock. Thankfully no burst pipes at least.


With the amount of fracking going on in Texas, I expect to see a new Grand Canyon develop. Our product is being used in fracking rigs and there are hundreds all over Texas; most have stopped or slowed down due to price of oil but it will go up again and they will roar into action.

I would prefer they frack off.

And I would also prefer you found a different market for your product and also told them to frack off.

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So you are saying that he left his constituents in…
…Dire Straits.

I’ll get me coat.


WTF - No water skiing and birdman rally

Wonders if youtube has a best of birdman rally clips.

Also not sure you got the right thread.

Wrong thread again, i am going senile

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