US politics - the new orange wave (Part 7)

And they end up with someone worse than him. Big win lol.

Yeah…because who doesn’t love a potential sex trafficker holding the number one position in the justice system???

Seriously, do you ever think of what you post or are you just all about the potential “gotcha moment”

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It’s just various shades of terrible.

If his accusations had validity, don’t you think the dem AG would have prosecuted him? Or is that off limits as it would open a can of worms as there are sexual predators on both sides of politics and they fear retribution? Who knows.

What I do know is that she helped Trump directly during his trials and is as authoritarian and right wing as they come. Listen to her speak.

Regarding if I think before I post. I have unfortunately been more right in this thread than anybody and I never wanted trump to win as he is a disgusting human.

I think the Gaetz outcome was a positive sign, in that Republicans in Congress won’t be the lap dogs of Trump and just do his bidding. He wasn’t popular among Republicans in Congress, did the numbers and considered that if he didn’t reject the offer, the House Ethics Committee would release an uncensored report.
The Republicans can’t expect another Trump to capture the disaffected and would be working towards other ways to harvest votes for the mid terms and an acceptable Presidential candidate, to temper Trump’s excesses and offer an alternative


Why did he resign from The House just days before the Ethics Committee report was going to be released?

Why did he then pull out before he even got to the Senate sittings on his nomination?

That’s an interesting claim.

Care to back it up with some evidence???

Oh, I think there’s way more Right posters in this thread than you.
But the ‘win’ mindset is pretty childish.

People just want obviously unsuitable people not getting roles. It’s really not too much to ask for, and nobody’s suggesting the Republicans don’t have suitable candidates.

  • Dems would lose if they kept Biden more than a year ago.
  • Biden was showing signs of being senile way before 1st debate and should be replaced.
  • Kamala was fake and would get trounced by trump and they should choose someone else.
  • GOP would win the house and senate by around 3 seats. House is currently at 2 with a few remaining.

Why did he resign? Popular theory was so there would be a special election before the first sitting of the new house.

What will probably happen is that he will end up being a special council and will target dems.

The house paid over $37 million to settle house reps sexual assault claims. I’m pretty sure that would have been for both sides of politics.

If anyone thinks it was just GOP house members, I have a bridge to sell you.

My view is that most politicians are corrupt and without principles so it actually being true would not be a surprise.



Medically unproven

That’s an opinion…not a fact

You know that bridge you offered me…well I can sell you some beach front property on a lovely Queensland island

Not at all relevant to the discussion we are having about Gaetz resigning

I tend to believe that if we talk long enough, we will eventually find some point of agreement.

This is it.

Opinions that have come to pass. Biden was replaced after he clearly showed he is senile and Kamala getting trounced.

I think I’ll just quietly disagree with your “opinion”

What’s your opinion for Biden being replaced?

Given trump is such a horrible person for so many reasons and should not of even been allowed to run again, why did he beat Kamala?

Biden should have said way earlier that he would be a one term president…thus allowing the full primary process to occur…staying on (until he was no doubt pushed) meant that the Dems realistically had little to go with anyone but Harris.

Why did Trump win?

A variety of reasons…

  • The Dems failed dismally by not attacking Trump personally on his many issues
  • The Dems failed to get out from the Repuiblicans attacks on their “wokeness”
  • The media, at large, failed to report Trump’s mental aberrations with anywhere near the level that they did on Biden…all media, not just Right Wing media.
  • The stupidity of Black, Latina and Female voters who somehow decided that Trump stood for them.
  • Harris couldn’t land significant blows on Trump to show that she would be a better option
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How can you possibly say that?

Racist, Nazi, sexist, anti-democratic after Jan 6 and much more was all we heard from the dems and their supporting media about trump. They rolled out so many ex republicans, his past administration members & generals and even Cheney.

Kamala failed because people didn’t believe her, thought she was fake after flipping on so many issues and not being able to clearly set and set a vision for a better future.

Enough people that voted for Trump, especially independents, held their nose and voted for trump because of this. He wouldn’t have won if it was otherwise.


Quite easily.

Eg: Jan 6 2021 was the attempted “insurrection”

Why did not one court case involving Trump get before the courts in almost four years?

Why did the DoJ fail to bring any cases against Trump in a timely fashion?

If any/some of those cases had been pursued and then prosecuted, Trump would probably be in jail.

The Democrat administration dropped the ball big time.

And to say that voters “held their nose” because Harris was fake just proves the stupidity of the voters.

What was Trump’s Health Policy (you know, the one he’s been promising since prior to the 2016 election)?

Did he “build the wall”

Did he “drain the swamp”

He’s a liar, but for some strange reason, the voters didn’t care.

Trump won because he has made it ok for people to say out loud all the things that they want…because he says them first.


Trump wants to increase import tariffs as an alternative source of revenue to domestic taxes ( when import tariffs are effectively a tax on the domestic consumer).
He also wants to raise tariffs on some goods ( mostly from China) to a prohibitive level to replace imports with domestic goods.
The International Trade Commission , an independent statutory body in the Washington swamp ( in Commerce portfolio) might explain to him how it works in practice in different sectors.

No, tariffs are a tax on the country of origin. Donald said so and told all those economists that they were not very smart and got it wrong when they contradicted him. (Sarcastica font).

How many people believed this as it wasn’t widely debunked in the media?

I suspect that there are a fair few low information voters in the US and only go with the vibe, so don’t really know that 30k plus lies from the orange buffoon included ones that were the reasons that they voted for him.

While Commerce has the general authority on tariffs, Section 301 and super 301 of the Trade Act accord the President executive powers to impose special tariffs against trading partners, through the Office of the Special Trade Representative, which is formally attached to the White House and one of the smallest US bureaucracies.
Trump may seek to use those powers as his plaything, to get around a more conservative approach by Commerce.
As it is, US Section 301 actions would be about the most litigated in international trade disputes and aren’t often resolved (without developing into full scale trade wars).

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No words.