I would hardly put someone in the category of RWNJ for simply having pro life beliefs. Just like I would hardly put someone in the category of a left wing fascist for wanting automatic firearms to be banned.
My point was to @Gnik post of how Australians have been influenced by the left wing v right wing bullshit and how people will resort to labelling an opposing opinion to dismiss their arguments and viewpoints. I’m sure Gnik does not consider himself to be a ’ left wing fascist’ but here we are.
I certainly agree that the left vs right stance is bullshit. People (see BB) seem to have lost sight of what these terms actually represent (along with ‘Conservative’). It has descended into EFC vs CFC level of tit-for-tat tribalism. Fine for footy. Dumb for politics.
Haha. Okay fella. Have a good day.
Good chat
Wholesome and not at all contrived.
i’ve read somewhere recently (might have even been here? can’t remember) about there now being a more useful dynamic of pro-establishment vs anti-establishment, rather than left vs right
the pro-establishment crowd are your classic centreists who, above all and everything, want politeness and order and sensibility. meanwhile the “extreme” left and right are anti-establishment
the baseline motivation of the anti-establishment crowd are similar - things suck for whatever reason, and need to change
conflict seems to arise from people on the left/right assuming that the pro and anti establishment crew on the other side of the classic spectrum are exactly the same
everyone leaning conservative is a religious whackjob - no they aren’t. some are, most aren’t.
anyone against trump is a woke socialist woke marxist woke woke soybeta whatever - no they aren’t. some are, most aren’t.
no war but the class war, folks
They enabled him, gave him the platform and now feeding on the scraps
Who are the ‘extreme’ left though and why don’t we ever hear from them? I personally don’t think they exist in anywhere near the numbers or impact that is made out to be. There was the Melbourne Anarchists Club just down the road, which was essentially just some kind of book and pamphlet library, but beyond that. Nothing.
The extreme left is just a few college-age kids with no money who eat granola and plant burgers, wear fake vaginas on their heads and make clever signs. They are completely harmless. They might vote for Jill Stein and feel good about it for 5 minutes.
The extreme right is most of the US government and a lot of the media. So, pretty much all the political power and all the money.
deep state maybe? i dunno
But isn’t ’deep State’ just all the bureaucrats that work in politics?
When I think extreme right, they have actual groups and presence
White supremecists
Media commentato
The extreme left has nothing.
Antifa? No
Green Peace? No
people chaining themselves to bulldozers? No
Extinction rebellion? No.
Left wing extremism is just a bogey man for snowflakes to fear.
Who are the ‘extreme’ left though
They are mostly people who show empathy.
um, I think you mean they’re WOKITY WOKE
Just came across NRx, the Neo Reactionary Movement, or the Dark Enlightenment.
It does not believe equality is a desirable goal and considers the State should be governed as a company , with an imperial techno authoritarian President.
that sounds super left
This guy also says that Tulsi Gabbard is not a threat to National Security and that
“The real threat to our security and freedom comes from our rogue Intelligence Community”
Also, that tweet you posted shows that Democrats have social consciences…how terrible that so many of them support affirmative action and increasing migration.
What’s your opinion on the matter?