US Politics Thread - Post Mueller Edition

Her and her pile of Guano, pervert of an Old man put a whole new level of credibility on the old “Dumb Blonde” cliche.

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Pretty much sums up the issue I’ve been talking to more succinctly. That pushing the best policies and most ethical positions may lose you the election as it isn’t around who wins the most votes, but the geography of the votes.


Trump has the 2020 election in the bag, folks. There is literally nothing HE can do to lose. And, to be honest, the Dems are up against it to get a message that can resonate equally with their base as well as the reluctant Trump voters in the states likely to be key to an Electoral College victory. I have heard a lot about a possible recession causing him to lose votes. But it never was about the economy. It was and is about the browning of America.

As mentioned by another poster, the ONLY way he loses is if the Republicans suddenly decide they have had enough but there is no way they want to lose the presidency. So, here we are.

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Game recognize game


How true.

Same applies here; most Australians don’t want coal mines, and more do not want Adani, but the locals for the mob who supports it. Electoral maps of Australia make interesting observation, especially if you overlay the Same Sex Marriage plebiscite data over swings in Federal elections.

Not sure if, the USA or Australia can really claim to be a democracy if the majority sometimes loses.

This is going to end well:

Barely covered, just a little bit of showboating, Drumpf, while seated next to Pakistan’s Imran Kahn, says he could end the Afghanistan situation by “wiping that country off the map” but wouldn’t because “I just don’t want to kill 10 million people”. All normal and fine.

Oh and ‘the squad’ are not only young and not very smart but they are now ‘very Racist’.

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I know it’s been stated before, but he really just makes claims against others that really are best suited to himself.

And when he makes claims about himself it’s usually bullshit. Stable genius, billionaire…

Trump may well have irritated the Indians during those casual remarks about big casualty numbers. They came out swiftly to say that Trump’s claim that he had been asked by the Modi government to act as a mediator between India and Pakistan over Kashmir was false.

And as someone pointed out you can almost see Imran calculating the numbers of refugees on his doorstep…lazy 25 million left after Donald takes out his 10 million, that he doesn’t want to kill, but he could, very much so.

Some days it seems the only question is by what method shall the Rapture announce.

He’s daydreaming about nuclear war if he’s talking about those numbers with that time frame.

It is also just bullshit posturing by a very delicate ego.


Based on the last time he threatened to destroy a country he’ll be sending love letters to the taliban in 6 months. That’s how it turned out with North Korea.

Is it wrong to hope this cockhed falls down a flight of stairs (with or w/out assistance) and spends the rest of his days staring straight ahead and dribbling on himself?

And pretty soon we’ll have Buffoon Boris to deal with as well.

I wish I still had my “Stop the World I want to get off” T Shirt, …

Boris has been confirmed

What a shower of fuckwits Murdoch has foisted upon us with Trump, Boris and Scummo


A Triumvirate of Fucktards.

Talk about your “Axis of Evil”

Add in Murfuch, and you may well have the Four Horsemen.


Just play this;


@DonMania dude you gotta get out.

Isn’t democracy just grand !!!

I know :frowning: We are close.

Bits of the Mueller testimony I caught was a debacle. Guy was legit struggling to remember bits of his own report.