VFLW - Practice Match vs Port Melb @ The Hangar, starting some time between 10am-12noon, Saturday 2nd March 2024

Port Melbourne has confirmed on Twitter they’ll be playing us in a practice match on March 2nd.



3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Miscellaneous VFLWomen comments and articles

Where’s the team, and what random numbers will they wear?

:yawning_face: :sleeping:

Dunno if EFC was going to tell us.

WAIT… now they’ve changed their tweet to 11am.


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I wish they would make up their mind… I can’t do any earlier than 1200…sort it out!

Port released their squad. Ashley-Cooper listed. No Bella Clarke.

Have also listed AFLW-listed players in Beth Lynch, Mackenzie Ford, Amelia Peck and Libby Graham.

11am seemingly confirmed


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Very dark clouds over the northern suburbs this morning. So far nothing more than mist at Tulla.

Fede and Bella here (the latter part of a bunch of Port players running laps).

Woosh and Gamble here too.

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We’ve also got a few rehab-ers on the second oval (inc MFord and the mystery kicker from Thursday’s trading report).

Prespakis and Jacques loitering.

MadGray and HartAluni also report for rehab training (both in boots, unlike some). Seven in total.

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Chaston leading team put, Molan second; make of that what you will.

Lily Bateman is playing. As are McNeice and Shaw.

No GraceDicker.

DaniMarshall not playing, not injury but scheduling conflict that was known on Thursday.

Clues to numbers will only arrive when they come out again.

No Perkins, but all three rucks.

Gallagher is at least a Collingwood six-footer.

Morrow to play in defence?

Gallagher forward.