Reverse angle:
Cafe not open. BYO refreshments.
Port win the toss and will kick to Bullant Hill with the mild wind.
DanMarshall in defence.
Nalder Zanchetta Fordy Nanscawen in the middle.
Free to port and they kick it straight to DanMarshall for the mark.
All down their end for the opening minutes. When we escape Manfre is held on the wing.
Eventually to Federica and her snap from the pocket is a miss.
Manfre sets up the next attack too. Clifford and Nattie mark but no score.
They can’t escape, and Nalder hits up Clifford. Short pass to Manfre!
Bugger. Manfre misses.
Borough not pushovers so far.
Julian takes a risk to leave her opponent and cancel an attack. Well done.
Fordy a good intercept mark from the side. Would have been a PortMelb set shot otherwise.
Sophie Locke playing far from their goals.
Frew Clifford CBomb deep forward for us.
Advantage point cancelled for PortMelb.
Port re-start with the ball 47m out.
PortMelb player falls over, unassisted, to get a set shot free.
2-1 we lead.
Zanchetta and Nanscawen running through packs.
Ford busy; picks out defender Julian in range.