Oh dear. Richmond have almost caught up to the umps.
Oh dear. Richmond have almost caught up to the umps.
Quigley big mark from behind. Two short passes and #1 Trend is in range.
#1 Trend is pointing. Where are you, Brendan?
Quigley another mark at forty. Hands off to a Mackrill, falls short, throw in.
Nalder wins the ruck free from the throw-in and GOAL.
Ugle to Ponter but it goes out next to our goals.
Hardy mark at forty
Falls short but Hardy gets the rebound and snap goal from thirty five!
Snap poster to them, 17 minutes into the quarter
Umps worried, are having another set shot from thirty.
EFC 19
Umps 15
Richmond 19 after marking our attempt to exit after the point
40 seconds left our CHF.
Stoppages run that down.
3.1.19 trails 5.5.35
We have to win the midfield, it’s established that we can score even without significant input from my faves.
Land of the Giants gets Richmond a snap from twenty. Smothered out by Kearney.
Ponter takes on three and almost kicks goal of the year. Ball stops just short.
Getting dark on the southern side of the ground…
Mackrill mark just out of range. While getting ready to kick McDonald infringed closer in. She falls short.
So much attacking, just can’t score.
Geez, another close shave. Just score already.
Very enjoyable quarter apart from the lack of scoring!
Morecroft and Hicks been calm defenders when needed.
Ugle to Quigley!
To top of the square and Moreau free ten out.
And then the ump changes his mind.