No one is going to say it, they will get banned. Don’t ask a silly question. It was bad though.
Agree, people love to joke around with Nino but that was a putrid post.
What was it in inference to??
Why do we want to bring the king of pain back to sook about the most minor of issues at the club.
Nino was cancelled.
Must have riled up the gatekeepers one too many times.
I’m sure Nino is still here in spirit
Welcome back @Finding_Nino , try to not get banned by quarter time when Geelong are 7 goals up
Welcome back …… we have missed you.
Feels good to finally leave the wastelands of Bigfooty
Nope i wasn’t was watching the game at home and about 6 beers in haha
If our season suddenly turns to ■■■■ I am blaming it squarely on Ninos return to this forum
Welcome back!
Welcome back!!
60,000 posts on Bigfooty Nino? Jeez.
Just as well you weren’t around for Anzac Day game thread. You might have got banned again at the end.
Give it until quarter to 2 on Sunday
I spend time on other threads that a non footy related too.