OK, so I’m hearing that we are interested…well derrr!
Also hearing AFL are looking to change the trading system so that teams can trade 2 years in advance.
So what’s it gonna take to get the trade done?
The obvious answer is 2024, 25 & 26 first round picks. But will that be enough?
I don’t think we can just rely on our current picks getting it done, particularly if they are picks in the teens. Perhaps Trade Tsatas and or Hobbs?
Let’s get creative people. go.
Straight swap for Weideman and a future 4th . Take it or ■■■■ off!
I don’t want him. Definitely not at the price they will be asking. So many things can go wrong in a career, people make out like he will guarantee premierships but he could also become a massive liability.
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sit relaxed, stay cromulent
You are not welcome in my thread. Please leave.
You will regret your post. This will become the greatest thread in Blitz history.
June 27, 2024, 5:18am
2 mill a year
Tsatas, a first and future first to them.
Under no circumstances we trade Martin.
Ill sell my organs on the black market. Get it done!
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A thread about Jon Ralph saying we are a keen on a kid who hasnt even finished his first season with another club?
Ok ill go with it.
Contracted for 3 years with West Coast.
What would get him would have to be a generational player from WA to send back as a min starting point.
West Coast knocked back three first rounders for pick 1 when they drafted him and he’s only continued to prove his worth.
IMHO Sydney with Chad Warner as bait are the only club who could begin a convo
West Coast won’t trade him until his 3rd year is up. No offer will get it done.
Chad Warner and draft picks?
West coast would pick up the phone
I’ve learned that only @scotty21 can manifest trades.
If he’d started this thread, I’d believe it might happen. But now there is zero chance.
NM dealt JHF. A move is possible this off-season if an irresistible offer is made and Reid wants out.
we are zero chance for a few reasons
We don’t have the draft capital to satisfy them
We don’t have the cap space to satisfy him