What amuses you

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What’s this?

It looks like the guy that did that Fyre Festival

It’s a pendant. See previous post


Yeah, there’s nothing worse than a grammar pendant…


At the olds and they had The Bolt Report on.
Now, I’m not saying I’d always be in the mood for it, but it’s funny.
Genuine tears.

I never knew.

Sky News not so funny tonight.

Jesus was not Palestinian.
I mean…he was. Both Nazareth and Bethlehem were.
Not that it matters at all, but they think it does.
‘What next? Was Aristotle Palestinian’ hurr durr.

And the Carols protest was an inside job.
And David Campbell was in on it, and not actually doing a magnificent job of stopping people booing and ruining the night.

These people…
And the disturbing thing is they watch this garbage every night.


And that Sky News is broadcast free to air into county Aust.

I’m sorry for the rant, but it really is very friggin’ disturbing.
Do you know who we hate now?
David Campbell.
And there are people out there going, ‘oh, okay…’

It’s just a bizarre way to…pretend to be news.

I thought it was hilarious last night when the silly blonde woman was saying, ‘you know what wilderness makes me think of? Chaos. When will the people say enough is enough and put politicians back in their place.’

I mean, in any context that was funny. And they certainly were words.

I already did.

But now that Sky is sinking the boots in, I’m gonna have to start liking the bloke.


Is there anyone who thinks they’re cooler in the whole world than a pre-teen boy popping a mono?

There is no one cooler. You know this.

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Idk heelies are up there.

Blitz doesn’t pay by the word, so you meant “boy”.

Not enough love for the humble mouse lets face it.
So meet Welsh Tidy Mouse. God’s gift to some of us blokes …


I misunderstood the first word of this tweet X, and thought it was one of those ‘would you for a million dollars?’ sort of things.

And I was actually thinking dubiously…hmmm, for how long?

I was, a long while ago. I found out that just about everyone is a liar with low self-esteem.

I bet you didn’t mean what has come out.

If I said that I didn’t recognise a photo of Mrs Fox because it looked ridiculously good, then I would be eating my dinner with a straw.

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You’d divorce her and go Yaaaaay we’re the bestest generation!!!

And the rest of the site would go….okay, grandpa.

The filters are ridiculously good in the alterations they do. And of course l tell her at the same time that she looks much better naturally :grin:

Ridiculously better.