What amuses you

Supermarkets featuring checkout staff in their ads like they still exist.

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This being the “what amuses you” thread. The other day I was waiting to use the self service checkout and was redirected to a checkout chick. Just felt weird.

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Just now I saw someone redirected from the checkout by an ambassador/what have you, where he ran the lady’s groceries through the self-service himself.


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Is there much of a difference between the single people on dating apps and the single people that aren’t?

Cant help but wonder if theres there’s too few emotionally well adjusted women on apps. Apparently, the men are shockers, too.

I reckon most people are shockers as you get to know them better. IRL or not.


The difference is basically - the lack of visual interaction, and what that opens up.
Much like on a forum (heh) people can and will say anything, with far less regard for consequences.


True. It’s a shame that people are jerks to each other unless there’s people around to keep them honest.

I’ve found the opposite. I reckon most people are at a minimum harmless, and the majority genuinely well meaning, in real life.

The ones who aren’t stand out but I think they are a small minority.


I was a big hit on the apps in Greece.

You’re still young. I’m older and bitter. Different perspective. Haha.

I met my wife on a dating app, we were both trying to sell each other crypto and found something in common!

TBH, it’s no different to meeting someone at the pub or night club, you get all sorts, you just need to weed through them. The best place to meet someone is at work or through friends, but then if it doesn’t work things become awkward very quickly.


:100: agree

I became single late in life. I can only report that from a male perspective, things aren’t much better. The amount of women who wear sunglasses or have filters on their photo’s is overwhelming. Photo’s that were taken some time ago…the whole gammit.

It’s a bit brutal to be honest.

What’s wrong with wearing sunglasses?

Inside wearing is for wankers.

That I agree. It’s the reference to having photos wearing sunglasses as an issue I don’t understand.

need to be able to spot crazy eyes


my grandad once told me “only about five percent of people are arseholes, but unfortunately throughout the course of your life you’re going to meet every single one of them”


Harsh on Stevie Wonder.

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Just imagine how busy they would have to be to get around that much. No wonder they are Rsoles.

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