What amuses you

It’s in the ambulance bay.

But the point is that I’ve not heard anyone not have a deep suspicion of it.

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I used to work at Hotham on a ski lift. People were always leaving chocolates and stuff for us. All legit, but it becomes normalised.

One day some people were really chatty and gave us some brownies, my kryptonite…so I smash down a few brownies. They stayed and chatted for a bit, I assumed they knew my coworker.

After they left he says to me ‘do you know those people? Did you eat the brownie? I threw mine away. They might’ve laced them with something…’

And had they?

Ok. So anyway what happened next I hear you ask…

I started freaking out, just a bit. Here I am operating a chair lift with thousands of people and i think i just ate a couple of hash brownies.

So just start spewing up. And I wasn’t sure if it was psychological or I had OD’d. Meanwhile my coworker is ■■■■■■■ himself, and discussing all the different things they could’ve put in the brownie. I got on the 2 way radio and asked around if anyone else had been getting brownies. Radio silence.

Anyway. Long story short. Another co worker convinced me that those people were regulars and entirely trustworthy, and had been coming to the resort for years. I never saw them before, or after.


Daughter goes thrifting through my old clothes, finds this on a jacket pocket.


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What was the holdup with the triathlon being postponed. If they’re swimming in the Seine, wouldn’t they just be going through the motions?

And apparently, the reason there are no swimming world records at the pool is because the standard Olympic Pool is 3.0m deep, rather than this one’s 2.1m, and it creates more wash…which in turn has infuriated the French and the English.


Cant they move the triathlon too I dunno

Check notes… their 4,800 km of coastline?

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Still collecting all the Henry the Thirds drifting over from England after the Tory water companies unleashed all the grogans into the system.

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The host of that show is a ■■■■. Steve something.

Extreme god-botherer.

Also dabbles in joke theft.

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A very young Keith Richards with his mother, Doris. Circa 1945, I’d say.

Keith got off the leash not long after this photo was taken and has remained so to this day.

Is that a toy guitar he’s trailing in his right hand?


When it’s windy AF but you just have to get that scooby lit …


Bloke from work said he would send me information I need to get a deliverable out that others arranged needed to go tonight. He is definitely getting it to me but it hasn’t arrived yet and looks like I might be working later when I had plans.

I sent a note to say thanks for getting it done and signed off with a typo:



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punctuation matters


Reddit AMA that go off the rails are very amusing.

The one that Ronda Rousey tried to do was a few days ago was by far the biggest dumpster fire i have ever seen