What annoys you? Extra time

You didn’t actually expect them to do anything about it, did you? I would have gone straight to council.

In saying that, council bins are tiny. Our garbage bins are tiny and fit bout 6 medium bags max. Screwed if a big family or doing a deep clean.

You can get bigger or extra ones.120L is the standard for rubbish in our council, green waste & recycling are 240L

We’re a family of 4, generally alright with the standard ones.

Bigger/more bins just cost you extra.

some of the bins they give out are legit the size of some kitchen bins, very amusing especially when you drive down new estates.

I was probably naive to think something may have been done as the letter was diplomatic and if I was doing something to annoy my neighbours so much I would rather know than not know… but you’re probably right.

If their bin just closed properly and wasn’t littered all across my property, I wouldn’t care how they dispose their rubbish as it’s not my business but when it ends up where it does… it kinda becomes my issue as well. I don’t want to be that annoying “bin person neighbour” (probably too late for them) but FFS.

you’ve attempted to be nice. Go to the council. Many of them have rules that the bins must be taken back in by a certain time after collection. In City of Maribyrnong, it’s 6pm on the day of collection.


Hahaha, I only stopped past Maccas because the food I had in the fridge for dinner hadn’t thawed out, plus had played floor hockey last night and was absolutely starving and went with whatever was still open at 10PM in the area. Must admit the filet-o-fish tasted great, there just wasn’t that much of it.

My email wont send emails. I navigated to the homepage for ICT support and used the chat function. They told me to email them the problem. This is, despite the fact, I cannot send emails.

Now I have to call them.

Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated at this very difficult time.


Be nice. :wink:

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Reminds me of the story about the electrician who came around to fix someone’s doorbell, but went away when nobody answered the doorbell.


I’ve been on hold 30 mins. Might end up being a match day thread type discussion.


your job have a workplace page?

sooking on there gets better results than dealing with the tech teams every single ■■■■■■■ time

Negative. If they did, I suspect most people would breach code of conduct rules airing grievances.

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@hoffy imagine if they did :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Not pretty, but it would be fun for the first 10 mins, then they would shut it down.

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AFP had one bsck in the day. Absolute gold. Don’t know how they jept it going as long as they did but it was festivus x10.

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If you can’t get through, it’s probably because there’s a widespread issue and they’re having 10,000000,0000 calls about it.

Its not a widespread issue they issue notices for them.

Email not working?

I don’t see what the problem is…

Only wish the chat option would be disabled in teams.

Constantly get people sending questions while your’e mid meeting, waiting 3 seconds, then calling me, not getting through, so sending another message to check when I can call them back.

Hey, on the bright side… it already has protection.