What Annoys You More

I have applied for jobs through agencies, and been treated as you have. Often you’re lucky to hear anything back from them. I suspect they just want numbers to fill up their mailing lists.

I’ve also been forced to go through them at times (by the powers-that-be) when recruiting. They honestly wouldn’t know their ar$e from their elbow. They are purely in it to line their own nest, and have no regard for whether or not for whether they’ve offered good candidate/s. They just want to fill a position and get their commission. I wouldn’t trust them at all to ask the right questions in compiling a shortlist for me.

As tedious as it is to sift through resumes, I’d sooner do it myself. It’s not that difficult to get 200 of them down to 10:

  • Any spelling errors and you’re straight into the NO pile.
  • A wall of text with no breaks/bullet points is too (I’m just not going to read it!)
  • Anything without a cover letter is struck-off.
  • A resume which looks a million bucks, but cover letter which is borderline illegible is out (you’ve clearly used a professional resume-service, and can’t write for ■■■■ yourself).
  • If I can find it, I’ll check your digital footprint too - if you seem a tossbag, you’re not what I’m after.

All pretty simple really.

Getting it down from 10 to 5 (for interviewing) is tougher, but you’ve just got to stick firm with what you want. You can still get it wrong, but at least I know it was all on me.


Yeah agree with both of you @SillyBilly and @BAAKKEERRRR. My situation is, around early May I was contacted by someone I used to work with 10 years ago. Asked if I was open to an opportunity they had, which I said yes I’d certainly meet and discuss. Gave my details to the lead on this, we met for lunch the next week. Apparently they’d won work with one of the Big 4 banks to re-design their CCM (Customer Communications Management) system and they needed someone to head that up. Seemed OK, said he’d let me know ASAP. Anyway it’s now July and haven’t received any confirmation whatsoever. It just ■■■■■■ me off. You get in contact with me, unsolicited. I haven’t gone cap in hand to them. They’ve turned my heading thinking about leaving, and they leave you hanging. It’s just ■■■■!

Yea man that’s dodgy in my eyes. Maybe they went with someone else?

I’m at the other end. I am now at the point where I am an expert in my field (on that pay scale I’ve moved on from Grad and accomplished). Trying to move outside of my company is painful. I’ve been told from higher up in my company that my application is perfect, I’m just too expensive and other companies that are starting out are trying maximise dollars with cheaper workers they can train up themselves.

That’s slightly different. Yeah, pretty poor form not to at least keep you updated. Chances are though, your contact may well be tied-up dealing with HR departments to work-out what is and isn’t do-able. And HR is another conversation again… A cynic once said “HR - the job people do when they’re ■■■■ at everything else…” True or false?

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I followed up with them just to say that I hadn’t heard from them in a month, are you still interested in me coming on board? They said yes however they were still negotiating about an hourly charge rate with the bank for my services, which seems a bit different. They put to me a salary band which I rejected. It was roughly what I’m on right now, but with the pressure of being a lead developer, being contracted out to a bank (so I’d be work in the bank’s HQ), as opposed to being a member of a programming team, being able to work from home whenever I feel like it, etc. The whole thing has put me off. They’d have to seriously overpay for me to consider it now. But if you’re going to go out of your way to get in contact have it all sorted, don’t leave people hanging. End rant!

Wow, what?

Sorry, but they should have cut you off right there, and said go the fk without then.

It’s not a handout until you get the job you fkn want. Plenty of people don’t work doing the job they want, … I know plenty that are doing shitt work like cleaning while they study AS WELL for the job they do want.

If you were capable of doing those jobs, you should have until you got into the one you wanted.

That is a bizarre thing to admit to and then actually make out you have a right to be pizzed off.


People have a law degree and can’t get a reasonable job these days.

How about becoming a subject for medical experimentation…

Three reasons
There are a lot more lawyers than rats
The lab technicians don’t get nearly so attached to the lawyers
There are some things a rat just won’t do


Would make reading the methods section of experimental papers more interesting.

“Our study used 10 Male, Sprague Dawley rats 10 Lawyers (4 Commercial, 4 Family and 2 Criminal) sourced from XYZ animal house the 2018 School of Law Graduation Ceremony, Melbourne University.”

Categorically true.

Good HR people are worth a mint.

There’s not many of them.

Amen to that!
Edit: Actually, amen to the first sentence too…

Ditto project managers (the software ones, not the ones who drive a Hilux)


Competitions that require ‘in 25 words or less’.

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Ok, … I’ll bite. Why? :thinking:

That if I bookmarked all the obvious posts this week Blitz would run out of storage space.

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Being told by a cricket club committee member that we have been enrolled in a club Marketing and Promotion seminar tonight. Said individual decides to pull out at the 11th hour due to sick kids. Arrive at the venue on time only to see a soccer club committee meeting in progress and discover that the seminar is not on until next Monday Night.

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At least I’ll get out of running nude except for, I think, a silly hat.
Always a bright side.
For everyone, really.

Cause you find out they want 25 words after you click through 4 / 5 pages.

Yeah, … but is it too many,… or not enough?

It’s 25 OR less,. so??