What was your favourite outdoors school game? - Throwback Thursday

I remember a game (dont know the name) where just about the whole class played.


You basically started at the free throw line on the basketball court and had to get your shot in before the person behind you did, if you missed you just followed up and could shoot from anywhere but if the person behind you got it in you were out.  Otherwise to the back of the line and go again.


Just kept going till last person standing, got quite hectic towards the end of the game, fun times.

We called that game "knock out".

British Bulldog, for sure. When I moved from WA to Qld, schools were crazy for Red Rover…then I taught them BB. ■■■■ got real!

Also used to love Handball. Gutterball was also fun and I played a lot of soccer thru school years.

we played 'thugby'. Basically no rules rugby. Arms were broken.

I went to a primary school which always had around only 30 kids. I had the same teacher from year 3 to year 6 and he loved playing sport with us at lunch. Usually it was soccer where the Bulls and one other family played against the rest of the school - and the rest got the teacher! We also played a game we called Gaelic, which was basically just a no rules game with a ball. Plenty of Brandy and British Bulldogs was also played, as well 4 square. The small numbers meant there was little footy played. 


Once I arrived at high school end to end kicking was the go. Usually this become 'Speccies' where you got to be the designated kicker when you took the pack mark. Unfortunately this game was usually ruined when one Leo Barry decided to play!


Once twice and away or poison…

Occasionally someone would do what we called a marble scramble and throw all their marbles in the air.

Had a pretty cool Sprite yoyo as well, I loved that yoyo,

Primary school was generally footy or cricket...the school oval was about 80% dirt which became glutinous mud in the Melbourne winter...I can't remember the number of times I would get home from school covered in mud but it never stopped us :)


High school was either basketball, volleyball or handball