What would you do?

I’m one of those that would take it to a police station :confused:


Someone has never seen No Country for Old Men?


At least if no one claims it after a certain amount of time you will probably get to keep it. ( Or is that just in the movies?)

Take it the the casino and put it all on red

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Karma laundering?

Give to the cops, if it’s unclaimed after 3 months (?), it’s yours.

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Take the cash and buy nuggs



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Yes I too will buy nuggs

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I’ve seen No Country.
As well as A Simple Plan.

Nope, nope, nope.

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No cause if you double the money you can take the bag to the cops with the original amount and it’s a win/win if it gets back to the owner!!

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If you’re correct re it’s origins and yyou take it to the police then it will probably end up yours because the shady ones wouldn’t claim it… if you’re not correct and it finds it’s rightful owner then that’s a win… only one answer really


This is almost 100% what I would do - only difference is I’d wait like probably a week.

Got a lot of strong principles but absolutely no morals, does I.


That’s right Darli, I handed money into the police when I was a kid. It was a weird pedo situation with some creepy guy dropping notes as he walked along. I followed at a safe distance and picked them up. The police were very interested but six weeks later when nobody had claimed the money (der) I got to go and get the cash for myself.

No, you would first call me and I would be happy to take it off your hands to save you the angst of visiting a police station.

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Who do you reckon a crook would have got it from?

Anyway if you keep it, by the law, you become a crook. ‘Theft by finding’. Take it to the cops.

After you’ve counted it exactly so when the cops do return it, you know if any is missing :thinking:

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OK it appears that taking it to the nearest police station is the general consensus. I also note that keeping it would kinda make me a crook too, and that the mob would be after me. Not sure how they’d find me but anyway. Thanks. My family and friends are right and I am wrong…again! LOL

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Money talks!