Ye Oldy Caption Competition

■■■ u guys r funny

Swapping the photo at the base of the equipment from James Hird to Hayden Ballantyne achieved instant results.

Bomber:  Does anyone elses wallet make them walk funny cos its so heavy?

Another one worth trying!

Just let me run over Vlad one more time...

Any pics of Demetrio agreeing to pay Hirdy up front.





Quick! Pull my finger.



You can quote me on this...


Another one worth trying!


Incoming peptides … assume the position. This is a big one, it's going to hurt.


You little son of a ■■■■■ sleigh! Why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your HOME? ANSWER ME! SUCK MY WHITE ■■■, SLEIGH!




Chappy:  sigh..."17 clubs to choose from and I ended up with these two schmucks"





Photo source: EFC website

"Knew I shouldn't have joined this ■■■■■■ club, wired to the eyeballs, the lot of 'em."

Crickey, who dropped that one?

Hurley: Do you think Chappy will figure out it was us that dropped those sleeping pills in his drink?


Melksham: I don't know, just keep smiling as hard as humanly possible so you don't laugh!




Zaka:  WTF Chappy ....


Jesus...... your sister??





Chappy - "Man there are not enough drugs in that fridge over there to make that pair look good"



Seriously, If those two angle for a steam bath, I'm outta here.


...and finally, in other general business the club has decided to scrap the retirement fund in favour of a deal which gives all players a lifetime supply of hair gel.

If either of those guys suggests a steam bath, I'm outta here!

What, that's not photoshopped!!

Chappy: Oh no, I should have read the fine print on my contract!


Zaka: What? You're against that sort of thing?

Zaka: "You told me there would be hash cookies!"

Chappy: "I know, I know, but I wasn't expecting those two to eat the lot"


Hurls: "Hey Jakey is it just me or are you getting high from the fumes from chappy's scalp polish"


Chappy: "ffs at least Joel Sellwood asked before he used my scalp polish fumes to get high"