Ye Oldy Caption Competition


Hurley: psst Jake, hold my hand...Hey Chappy look, Jake and I are in love.

Melksham: Hahaha, you're a cracker Hurls.

Chappy: *sigh*. Same crap every day Michael, every single day. Its like i'm in primary school.



Paul Chapman is less than impressed with Hurley's 'Albert Thurgood' look.

Jake to Hurls: something something something "new fixy"


hurls: awesome


chappy: oh farken spare me please

Why does Hurley's ■■■■ have a hand on it?




Paul Chapman is less than impressed with Hurley's 'Albert Thurgood' look.


How far do you reckon Hurley could send a "place kick" from FB?

Zaka: "You told me there would be hash cookies!"
Chappy: "I know, I know, but I wasn't expecting those two to eat the lot"

I think we have a winner.


Melk: ".... and then I stuck my fist right up there..."

Hurley: *giggles*

Chappy: "Calm blue ocean. Calm blue ocean."




Chappy: "Boys, the Andrew Welsh lookalike contest doesn't work if Melk provides the hair and Hurls the cheeky grin"