#16 “OMG it’s Archie” Perkins

Feel your frustration!!!
You gotta know when to pass AND you must nail the pass or believe that you will kick the goal and then nail the goal.

Lack of class, confidence, brute strength, youth whatever. The facts are none of our forwards do anything to ignite or spark the team with a bit of magic. Maybe Stringer on his day but he’s showing less and less of that ‘magic’

Tippa or Bewick please reincarnate!!!

Looking at the stats he had a game high 8 inside 50s to with 8 score involvements - only Caldwell with 9 had more. If we sort the connectivity out between the forwards and the mids he should be a real weapon.


Yup, people are pinpointing the couple of glaring mistakes without looking at the overall game which was actually okay.


Mixed bag from him last night. Some good stuff, two or three bad mistakes.

He has a LOT of ability and if we’re gonna get better over the next couple of years we need him to step up. He’s a crucial player going forward. I’ve heard it said a bit that players start to peak around the 80 game mark; hopefully his level will be going up soon…

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Would want to, i’m not saying hes no good, far from if, but the output doesn’t match the hype at this point.

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it never really has.

If we’re relying on the players like perkins to form the basis of our next period of contention, we’re going to be waiting a lot longer.

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I’ve been grilled a few times in these forums over the past couple of years for suggesting we had been overhyping Archie. He’s got some great tools on him, and I’m convinced he’ll still be a decent to pretty good player - but after 72 games, he’s really yet to play consistent footy, and I don’t think has shown anywhere near enough to prove he’ll be a star…

And that’s ok, he’s best 22, he could be a 200 game player, but the level of hype he gets is not commensurate to his output.

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Fark the pitchforks come out. Archie is the least of our problems.

At least he tries to create.


What hype? He’s hardly on media street. I don’t think I’ve seen him listed on best under 23 players etc.


I think it’s just the natural correction that’s always going to happen when after a string of good early form, we face into the seemingly inevitable mid season implosion and people start to view the performances of individual players and the team as a whole a little more objectively.

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Oh boy what a disastrous draft.

Bloody hell Blitz is septic after a loss. Archie is barely 22. He’s in his 4th season; one which has been disrupted by injury. He is performing fantastically. He has one or two bad decisions in a game and Blitz wants to take a swing at him.

Players start hitting their peak and consistency from about age 24. Frankly, I’m staggered that Blitzers aren’t looking at him and realising we have a gun on our hands.


Some players do take longer to develop, in general that draft year has because they missed a year.
Ive said for a while when we drafted Perkins he was very raw and would need even longer than most.

He’s by no way the finished product but he has showed a huge amount of improvement this year, which if it continues for the next two years he will finish as a very very good player.

This is the point of the year where players are playing very sore and tired and Perkins looks to be a victim of that too.

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He will be a good player for us and it’s not so much the mistakes that concern me but that Rachelle like squib needs to played on repeat to him this week as that is simply not acceptable and is a non negotiable

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What if the negation was do that occasionally but I’ll still be a really good player?

Thought he was poor last night.

Huge squib at one point

Passing when he should be having a shot

He is into his 4th year, not a lot of excuses left to not be at least consistent with effort at the very least

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If he ever squibs like that again he gets dropped for a week

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Are you negotiating here?

Tough players squib from time to time.

I’m a big fan. I think his kicking and decision making is brilliant. He’s getting better at the contested stuff. Personally I’d be giving him the keys to our forwardline (at the expense of Stringer)…I think he sometimes lack personality/confidence/swagger to take things on.