2017 membership

how excitement!!!

you can add another 4 to that list.

was easier to sign up as a new member than renew, reset the clock after 20 years i guess

let the good times roll!


Yeah they will launch a ‘sign up before round 1 and win something’ promotion Monday I reckon.


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Plus one more. I joined up again this morning, feels good.


Add 3 more SO EXCITED



This is my soap box now.

Fkg put your videos on youtube, bombertv or whatver telstra use on efc.com.au is the biggest load of ■■■■ since the club did the flash mob.

They do?

Not the same time it’s uploaded to telstra.

Last vid on youtube is a week ago.

I’d say that’s part of a contractual obligation. Just guessing though

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And you would be spot on.

probably signed by the same genius that took us to colonial.

Or an AFL directive?

Yes. It’s part of the contract to play in the AFL. Nothing we can do about it bar go and play under another name, in another league

Yep, . …but you know * yawn*: … “Clubs fault”. Boo Essendon Boo.

The other guys did well to get what you mean cause I have nfi! Are they not putting enough on YouTube?

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theres been months when nothings gone up on youtube them it all gets dumped in a day then nothing again for a week or 2.

I guess the bigger issue is how much of a POS telstra’s video player is.

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Oh that makes more sense. Frustrating!

If it’s an AFL contract/directive, how come Collingwood don’t have to embargo theirs?

Their youtube channel is up to date with their original content (eg. Non-highlights/press conferences) and published same day as telstra site.

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