Great work!
What timezone is @topdon living in these days?
4am where he is.
He’s on Bourbon Street?
It’s 4am in Vegas! Lol that’s the Timezone
I’m in 3 out of 4 weeks a month and then a week in topdons Timezone.
All done now. Draft picks are up to date.
The positional restrictions shouldn’t be an issue. The keepers cover most of the positions, but just make sure you have a minimum of 5 defenders, 7 midfielders, 1 ruckman and 5 forwards on your lists by the end of the draft. The rest of your players can be any position. It sort of makes sense because without the above, you can’t name an 18 come round 1.
You should be able to use AFL fantasy for available players. Just don’t ask me how to do it. I’ll be spending tomorrow morning trying to find players I like for my two picks in the 40s.
Thanks for the effort, great work.
If you find anything decent in the 40s could you please let me know
Berry was a keeper switched with Jamie Elliott after the initial post.
So I’ll wait for red bull to take another pick.
I’m really just padding time as I have no idea who to take…
Harvey was my preferred pick next.
Firstly I’m sorry to have created so much confusion by changing my mind on Berry after I posted my initial keeper list, it’s really disrupting things which is regrettable.
Secondly I’d like to announce that Sam Berry is available to trade for a first round draft pick in the 2025 BB FF Original Draft! Come one come all to the Sam Berry sweepstakes!
Lol gotta wait till the next trade period
Are we live on the AFL fantasy platform now or still taking our picks in here?
What’s the draft completion deadline?
Before bounce on Friday night this week?
I think in years past it’s taken up to 10 days (EDIT 2022 took 6-7 days).
We’ll need people to leave C’s before going to bed. Happy to do so myself too.
All picks need to be taken here.
You can just rely on AFL Fantasy for available players list.
I’ll be updating AFL Fantasy as each pick is taken.
I was initially aiming to have all picks processed on AFL Fantasy, but there would have been far more confusion than now. And if something went wrong (which was highly likely), I had to remove the entire league, transfer the payment across to that league, get everyone to join again, etc. This alone would take a few days. So it makes sense for me to update AFL fantasy as picks are taken. I’ll be updating the draft list at the top of thread and AFL Fantasy two or three times per day.
We’ll be fine to use AFL Fantasy for drafting next year as we did UF.
And if everything goes well, we might be able to do away with the squad thread and replace it with screenshots during the year. Anything to make it less ‘data entry’ heavy.
Our comp will ignore this opening round rubbish. The scores during that round will be added into teams when the player is selected during their ‘first’ bye early in the season.
Our season begins Thursday March 14. I’m pretty confident we get there given Monday is a public holiday. I’m also hoping we sneak in a free agent night on the Wednesday before the first game to give teams the best chance to field a full 18 for round 1.
Is it my go, or…?