All Things Podcast

Monster effort. If anyone wants a good history podcast to dig into, revolutions has been epic and really shaped my understanding of the modern world.


I got up to the Mexican and then the Russian revolutions.

I found the South American ones with Bólivar, O’Higgins and San Martín, and the 3 French ones most interesting.

His History of Rome was great.

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South America was truly epic.

Dan Carlin just dropped his latest podcast, only 5.5 hours long

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Nothing beats the comedy from protect the parks


The Morgan Housel Podcast… not an interesting title, but an excellent economist philosopher.

sounds boring we want joe rogan talking about gorillas on steroids

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6hr 20min Podcast drop from Dan Carlin!


Is it the last part, or should I wait for Part III?

I will let you know in 6 hours


The Nine Club - it’s a skateboarding podcast, also on YouTube.

It’s actually pretty decent. They have on guests, and they just chat about their careers and influence/impact on skateboarding. The coolest ones are the guys with wild stories about the industry when it was less professional. But it’s just skaters talking about skating, for anyone else it would probably be excruciating to listen to.

Best episodes

  • Mike Vallely
  • Salba
  • Paul Schmitt

Funny podcasts worth trying out:
Matt and Shane’s secret podcast
Are you Garbage?

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It was the last part, I heard a few names I had heard before watching “Vikings” and “Last Kingdom” another all timer from Dan Carlin.

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Ha, I could have just listened to the first couple seconds, when he notes it is part two of a two-part series.

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I’ve listened to more hours of podcasts than I’d ever care to calculate…

But this one - all 6 hours of it - would be close to the most captivating I’ve ever heard.

This guy’s story is bonkers:


I use Google Podcasts. They are shutting it down in June. I don’t want to switch to Youtube Music, because it’s ■■■■.

Any suggestions for the best free podcast app that only organises and plays podcasts and doesn’t have anything else clogging it up?

most services are getting bought out by the big companies and turning to ■■■■, i just use spotify for a 1 app solution to music/podcasts, its not great, its not ■■■■. its very mid

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Google Podcasts was actually perfect for me.

RIP :disappointed_relieved:

Podcast Addict for Android
Overcast for iOS

They’re the 2 i always used

Much better than Spotify for this purpose

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Yeah, I use Google podcasts too, so spewing about this.

I use YouTube Music for my music, so have started giving it a go for pods.

So far, it’s been very annoying

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