Appliance Buying Guide: What's good and stuff


I’ve got Wahl. Not a super high end model, was about 120-150 iirc.
It’s better than the $50 Aldi one that preceded it… but not by that much.

I got a Wahl back in the early 90’s & it’s still going strong 30 years later. Blades need to be professionally sharpened every so often

I don’t believe they make it them as sturdy & reliable anymore, from what barbers & hairdressers tell me.

How’s the humble brag on this guy.

Hey guys I’m nearly 40 and unlike all you lucky bald guys, I have this super luxurious head of hair that needs constant cutting. Life is so tough.


Lol. It’s thick but that’s the only thing it has going for it! It’s been terribly prematurely grey for years and will be completely white this time next year (or in a few months if this covid thing continues!

I’ve had to do a few Skype calls in the last week and I keep going - who the fark is that old dude in the corner?


Does that make you feel better, baldy?


I also have a Wahl that’s probably 10+ years old. Got it on the recommendation of a hairdresser, and it’s been pretty good. Have replaced the blades once. And now the battery is pretty much done (still works corded though). Was looking to update soon, and most likely will go Wahl again. Was way better than the one I’d had before that.

Ego is best battery powered mower
Also the one battery fits all Ego products

Anyone bought those Swann 8 camera install yourself security camera thingies?

Why? How much toilet paper have ya got stashed?


Haircuts are a risk I’m not willing to take for the next 6 months, and really…who’s going to see me anyway ?

So I went the full No.1 this morning with a cheapie Sassoon set of clippers (approx $30).
It was hard yakka, so yer, I’d also recommend a better brand.

I had a fair bit to cut off, as this recent pic illustrates…

Show us the after shot!


Should have probs used scissors first and then gone with the clippers.


I’ll get someone at work to take the same photo at the same angle after.
Will post in a few hours :+1:

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Quoting this post so I can come back to it.

Think I’ll need to buy some more sports friendly earphones for running walking.

Not sure how I’ll be able to ‘test’ them, but I know Bose used to have no questions return policy, and I’ve been very happy with their QC35s. Got some Jabra phones for the kids a while back, so hope they got nicked, but I think they’re very good quality for reasonable price.

It’s been 15 days. Bltn kept the mullet.




BLTN + Carbs = Chooper


Where’s a good place to look for a good used fridge for a holiday home? Nothing fancy required. Gumtree or eBay?

How long can you wait.

If you believe the rumours a whole heap of people brought extra whitegoods in the panic buying. Which means they will be probably be selling dirt cheap later in the year.