At the movies - From the couch

I’ll get off my soapbox after this…
Indy works because it’s old fashioned cinema.
It’s a boys own story.
It’s the sort of episodical serial that Lucas wanted Star Wars to be.
And while two is still good, that’s what makes 1 and 3 also family movies.
The further you take it from that, the less it works.


Also the older he gets…

I don’t want to watch men in their 70s try to be action stars.

That is why The Irishman stunk.

I didn’t mind the first 4 hours, but man the final three were slow as.


CGI De Niro beating up that guy is one of the hardest laughs I have had in a long time.

Movie of the year right there. Calling it.


Don’t even need to see the trailer.
It’s a yes from me.


I think the only questions is:

How many Oscars?

Whatever the inevitable result is, the answer is nowhere near enough.

The Crystal Skull was the pits, it took a massive dump on the legacy of this franchise, by trying to tie in way too many popular culture icons from that era. A new one sounds like an even worse idea. Ford can’t carry off the action hero figure at his age, not with any credibility.

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I HATE the title, but the trailer looks promising. Can’t leave Indy at the Kingdom of Crystal Skull disaster.

I thought Indiana Jones 4 was going ok, importantly it had the feel of the earlier movies, which is important for these types of reboots.

It was just let down, by a really really really really really bad ending.

They need to hand over to a new younger Indi for the franchise to go forward. And relegate Ford to the role Connery played in 3.

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No one is going to accept anyone other than Ford as Indiana Jones though. It’ll be as successful as trying to recast Han Solo.

Im not sure I buy that though. The younger generation who predominately watch these movies dont care or probably even know who Harrison Ford is.

James Bond was recast several times over as the older actor got too old/ boring… I dont see why they cant do the same for Ford. There isnt anything that a late 70s Harrison Ford can do that a younger, more supple, good looking actor cant. Hopefully the movie owns Harrisons age and runs with it, makes fun of it and works around it, as opposed to just refusing to acknowledge it.

I’d love for the movie to be a success because I thoroughly enjoyed the first three movies… but eh i dunno, half their charm was their campieness, somewhat cynical humour and at certain points absolute stupidity. If the reviews are good Ill give it a view, but if they try and shoehorn it into the modern action movie formula, itll be a pass for mine.

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Maybe, maybe not.

My point was he can still be him. They just need a new main hero character.

Like Creed & Rocky.

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Apparently, in this new instalment. Indy can’t stop talking about how his soup is too hot, and how the kids next door are playing their music too loud.

Watched The Swimmers, Netflix movie about two Syrian refugees, one of which went on to swim at the Rio olympics. The refugees were sisters, and are played by real life sisters in the movie and put in a great performance. Movie dragged on a bit though and wasn’t very subtle at all. Could have been a lot better if streamlined a bit more as again the performances by the two sisters are stellar, would have been great if you didn’t get tired of it all after by the end of the movie.

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watched troll.

a norwegian take on the king kong/ godzilla trope.

not bad, not great, fun 1 time watch for 90minutes odd.

If they are to make a young Indy Disney need to hire Anthony Ingruber (guy on the left)

He does a terrific Harrsion Ford if they hire him Disney can then use deep fake to make him even look more like Harrison

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Please, no.

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Imo there a certain roles that should retire with the actors. They are just too iconic, and nobody will accept anyone else playing the role

Indiana Jones is at the top of that list