At the movies

Wonder Woman…wowzers what a babe

How was it?

Life got in the way. should be this week but i’ve heard a lot of good things. most common being that its a super fun movie.

Wonder Woman

Watched it on the weekend. Slightly underwhelmed, basically because of all the hype it’s received. Not a bad movie - a few too many plot holes, even for a superhero movie. Did not have the comic level to get away with it, either. It’s a pity, I really wanted to like this one. Unfortunately, just about everything you read about it, is to do with the lead actors body, rather than the movie. It’s like we don’t live in the world of the internet, where you can click a few buttons and see whatever you feel like.

That said - Mrs Deck really enjoyed it - WW was her childhood hero, so that kinda figures.


Dunkirk, 4 more sleeps


I said nope when I watched the first trailer and I now say nope again.

“If this gets out then we’ve bought ourselves a world war.”

I don’t think so.

The music though

It’s getting amazing reviews. I can’t wait to see it. Chris Nolan is the man

I don’t care whether BR is great or crap - I’m gonna love it anyway. it looks farking sensational. I love the look of it. Mad Max was a crap movie that I loved because it looked amazing.

Pretty ■■■■■■ good. Quite a refreshing way to make a movie. 8/10 movie pacing was a bit off though. Probably 15minuted too long.

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I have not been this excited for a release since the LOTR series (that’s sad)

He is going to smash this out of the park. I am going solo to a day session and I don’t even care.

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Saw it on Sunday. Really fun movie! Imagine if Edgar Wright was allowed full creative control over Ant-Man…

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I feel like they ramped up the sympathy for the main character too much. could’ve removed one of these elements:

mute/deaf/almost blind foster father
dead parents
indebted to a crime lord

Saw “Baby Driver” and loved it. Pumped to see Dunkirk this weekend.

50 bucks for dinkirk 15p70mm. Guess it’s the sun theatre then.

Just got back from seeing Dunkirk. It is fantastic.

Harry Styles is a pretty good actor too

Chris nolan is still the man

oh gawd one more sleep

cannot wait

sounds amazing

Got my Dunkirk tix. Tomorrow night. Can’t wait.

Read somewhere that Dunkirk has US Army and helicopters in it.

Is this true ?