Australian Politics -- from 2022 Federal Election

Oh yes they are.

To be fair, it doesn’t claim to be anything other than “arty”.


I guess they reckon they’re just having a bit of fun eh?

I think defence spending is just bullshit.

Put all your money into long range nuclear missiles and subs with nuclear missiles and make it very clear to anyone who thinks they want to invade that the nukes will obliterate them quickly.

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So just relocate Putin to Australia?

Nope, we do not need to invade anyone, but Defence should be a deterrent and nothing I see in our ADF would deter anyone.


I keep saying it. Let’s invade Tasmania. That mob have been taunting us for over a century.


She’s smart enough to realise how stupid and one sided the voting public can be.
I don’t think we’re ready for a female Prime Minister. I don’t think we’re ready for anything other than a Caucasian Australian Prime Minister (harsh statement, but unfortunately, we’re not there yet). Add those two reason to someone who is incredibly intelligent and there is no way she’d get majority of votes.

You have to remember, swinging voters vote for the person. Not the policy. That’s where our problems sit. And the Liberal Party prefer it that way more so than Labor. That’s why they can repeat rubbish about how they are great economic managers (who pay $30mil for a $3mil plot of land) and great border security (they did expel a Serb Tennis star, but they watched as China moved bases into our territory).

PM in NT talking about crime, says ‘ My father - my late father- was a policeman’.
( Zachary Rolfe is a serving NT policeman)

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It’s not even a real question. What sort of affect?? Positive or negative?

We’ve already had one.

And look how “we” reacted.


I’ve been saying it for ages: pie charts are ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ and not worth the pixels they occupy.

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Should have been “erection”.

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I don’t think knifing Kev served her well. I didn’t think she was that bad though TBH

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SA the only State or Territory which has not had a female Premier/Chief Minister.

Yes. We did.
And she was treated perfectly well…

She did have red hair though…and didn’t have a husband, or kids.