Australian Politics, Mark II

Sacked Abbott.

*didn’t work out as planned but the concept was solid


If he’d honoured his duty to his electorate above his bruised ego then he could have avoided a by-election all together. Of course its Turnbull’s fault they lost the seat because he vacated it. Lets not forget this is the same hypocrite who knifed his way into the top job so its a cowards act to sook up & run away when the same happened to him.


The best thing former leaders can do is leave.

Rudd and Abbott did nothing for the country or thier electorates by sticking around. It only lead to more destabilisation.


Knifed? It was a mercy killing, if so.
Abbott wrecked himself.
It’s what he does.

Wrecked Rudd, wrecked Gillard, wrecked himself, wrecked Turnbull…twice, and while it doesn’t look like he needs much help I have no doubt he is still, in his own way, wrecking Morrison.


They are elected by their electorate to represent them, NOT to only take the gig if they get to lead the party. They don’t have to be a destabilising influence & you’d be hard pressed to suggest simmering leadership speculation rates as anywhere near as destabilising as taking away the governments majority vote.

I would argue that as Turnbull won Wentworth for the Liberal Party then they are the ones who have an obligation to the electorate.

Liberal Party basically sacked Turnbull, so he did the honourable thing and resigned his post. I always hate it when MPs quit a Party and stay on as an “Independent”. Reckon they should resign and seek re-election as independent.


You think Turnbull was going to sit there and keep his mouth shut on the backbench?

I also doubt the independents are going to be much a problem.

I bet Phelps sides with the Libs on most things other than refugees and environmental issues.

I’d be much more worried about the loose cannons in the coalition who will be threatening to cross the floor and hold the government agenda to ransom.

An Abbott fan calling someone else out for a bruised ego?



Lol. You crack me up.

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Because they were just so stable before…,?

He has always said ex PM’s should leave office straight away, not destabilise new leaders from the back bench like both Rudd & Abbott did.
You need to look up the definition of hypocrite


The Libs always want people to line up to tongue their nuts though. It’s what ■■■■■■ do.

She would have to do that, to have even the faintest hope of retaining the seat at the next election.

It’s interesting seeing the blow ups on Sky News etc. it was exactly as pointed out in the article somewhere above, that the liberal party risk operating in a vacuum. Where they feed off their own bile spewing mouth pieces on Sky, when in actual fact many in the broader community have different views.

This just feels like the titanic of all train wrecks.

And now after the Environment minister had a crack at former leader of Kiribati because his countries about to be wiped off the planet. At first she denied the claims, then saying she can’t recall. Excrement.


Phelps fits the electorate of being socially progressive and economic conservative. McGowan is similar, although her electorate is more rural and socially diverse. McGowan will always have more focus on local issues but is putting her head above the parapet on the refugee children and on climate change.
Sharkie is in a similar mode.
Phelps is a practised political operator and may get a more cohesive crossbench with McGowan and Sharkie.

Interesting. The emergence of the socially and environmentaly progressive economic conservative independent. I wonder if there are any socially conservative/economically progressives out there. What a strange mix we seem to be headed for.

To mount a leadership spill -and to support one- with a wafer thin majority might be seen as reckless and dangerous.


Traditionally, that’d be where the churches (the Catholic Church in particular) would sit, but they’ve utterly destroyed their own credibility so completely over the child abuse thing that nobody’s listening to them any more.


Ummm, really? Your definition of “progressive” seems to be way broader than most I reckon. And was sacking TA really to implement something positive for us, the voters? Or rather, was it merely to hold off the mob, baseball bats raised, that was coming for them at the ballot box? Saving their own skins, I reckon. But if that’s what you want to call progressive, have at it…