Australian Politics, Mark II

Also, people are voting today? Why didn’t you all vote early like a normal person

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Tbh I took all pamphlets today but didn’t even bother looking at any of them this time around. Didn’t even realise that there was a voluntary euthanasia party until I took my ballot over to put in the box - that’s voter apathy for you I guess.

It’s hard to believe most people are capable of making up their own mind of who to vote for.

Why is there a voluntary euthanasia party in a jurisdiction where it’s already been legalised?


Aren’t they required by law to be a set distance from the actual polling area? To stop them harassing people who are lined up?

I’m not sure but perhaps they believe the controls implemented are too tight.

When I was 18, I was young and naive. I walked through and the Greens volunteer offered me a pamphlet, which I took. The next thing I know I was swamped with 10 people putting pamphlets in my face.

I never made that mistake again. Ya can’t buy experience.


Always reject the first person and the others will take the hint

Lol you live in a marginal seat then?

Why the ■■■■ would you vote the libs in? I don’t follow Victorian politics closely these days…how is there even a chance the govt gets rolled?

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There isn’t one.

The polls are saying it will be a comprehensive Labor win.

rEdsHirts and cfA

Law & Order BS campaign plus Murfuch, plus Ignorance & Idiots = Sly Guy getting anywhere near it.

It probably won’t work, … shouldn’t work, better fkn not work, … but if it does, … I’m done with Humans.


An easy way to eliminate both waste and those annoying people thrusting paper at you would be to have a copy of each how-to-vote card affixed in each booth that voters may refer to if they wish.


That is a really good idea.

Have to be well protected from idiots though.

Liberty Alliance? They’re those racists who harass worshipers at mosques and/or progressive Christian congregations that espouse tolerance and acceptance?

I have done How-To-Votes at elections since 1969. I have wondered why we bother at every election.

Senate and Upper House are overly complex though and probably it would be a massive Fark Up without something to guide Voters.

My seat is a shitefight, with 12 candidates including some very feral types, their supporters are quite intimidating. Labor should win but you never know.

ALP paid back the redshirts money. Morrison uses RAAF plane on his so-called bus campaign in Qld - but that’s perfectly OK as he’s the PM.
Law and order could be an issue in the sandbelt seats.
Then we have the Greens in seats the Libs aren’t contesting. Last time the ALP held off the Greens with Lib preferences. There is a chance of ALP needing Green support to govern.
Ripon might be the decider.

Please Victoria, … Don’t have been an Idiot today.


Make full preferencing compulsory.

Anyone who can’t figure it out clearly shouldn’t be trusted with decisions regarding the future of society.