Australian Politics, Mark II

Anyway, … Antony Green is usually right, right??

Let’s hope his calculator here bigallan mentioned, is spot on the money.

She has already made the taxpayer advertising budget known - $139ml since Jan 2019

Wong could not wring the full costings/expenditure out of Cormann at today’s Estimates. Cormann said he was representing the PM and therefore not a question for him. He will send Szelja to represent him when Finance comes up - and Szelja will probably take the question on notice.
The government is blocking the public servants - who might have it at their fingertips - from answering those questions.
It’s a charade.


I would suggest Liberal ideology although built on capitalism and the born to rule master/servant relationship does not discriminate against anyone on racial, religious, gender or sexuality grounds. As the Same Sex Marriage vote showed and polls on refugees also show, conservative voters in the majority supported gay marriage and better treatment of refugees. This Liberal Government is much more fascist on these issues with many LNP MPs and senior members being extreme


The suggestion there is that Morrison’s government is more hardline than Abbott’s (who was elected).
I’m not sure I buy that.

I agree except Abbott had some moderating influences that eventually cost him the PM job. They are all now gone and Morrison etc are running the ship

I agree with that.

For once.

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Having worked in not-for-profit, you see plenty of good work in providing support for the community.

You also see a lot of Charities (or people who run charities) who’s main objective is boosting their own ego and charitable profile…while the priority of clients is much further down the list. I’m not saying it’s an issue for all, but it is definitely visible in many organisations.

Throwing money at a problem, is not the solution either. Both parties have been guilty of this. More so Labor. It’s imperative that funding is provided to not-for-profits that have expertise in that direct space and already have evidence based programs.

Too often funding is given to large charities and Not-for-profits who have no experience or established programs to support an issue. Considering it can take 2-3 years to build a new program from scratch… the funding is over before programs actually get started.

But Liberals seem to be obsessed with this semi-Darwinism ideaology that anyone can work their way up, from any background. It doesn’t excuse the extra support they provide to private schools ahead of Public schools. If they truely believed this, they’d be giving the lower class every opportunity by improving public education.

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Admit it, you secretly always agree with me !!

Your last point is one that I’m with you on. Public schools should always get more attention and funding

Back in the 1960’s non-Government schools accounted for about 10% of all students, now it is over 30%. Funding for non-Government schools started in 1964 with the schools grants scheme which was basically to build science rooms at all schools.

It was really Gough Whitlam who started more funding for non-Government schools when he saw an opportunity to win back the Catholic vote in 1969, and in 1973 legislated a Federal funding program wfrom where today’s shitfeast has developed. Ironic or what that a “socialist” was the Father of this.

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Surely not.

Some are saying that the optimum date is 18 May. 25 May is the last possible date for a half Senate election under the Constitution, but that date would put the AEC under enormous strain, connected to the Constitutional requirement for the AEC to declare the polls within a prescribed period. Senate count usually takes longer than the Reps.
There is also a debate when the caretaker conventions come into play ( when the grown ups like Heff’s girl get to run the country) and no more taxpayer funding of Coalition advertising propaganda.


Like the $444m of taxpayer money that went to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation?

There was once a time where a scandal like this would see a government turfed out.

Barely rated a mention now.


Turnbull really doesn’t like Dutton.


Big plus for Malcolm then, but hardly Robinson Crusoe.


I’d be surprised if Dutton’s own mother liked him


It’s hard to love a thumb.


Not even the Irish could love this potato

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He’s the famine, not the potato