Bomba Thompson

It doesn’t matter if it wasn’t you Candice… I’m ill informed, have access to Twitter & I’m outraged DAMN IT!

I’ll go off half cocked based on someone saying it was you on Twitter if I like, It’s my right as an idiot human.

Just don’t you reporters do it,… ok?


Watching that video, I was quite shocked with how bomber sounded. Sad and defeated. hate the way the media are allowed to drag a person through hell and get away with it.


Who cares about this thread, @bdstratton has returned :star_struck:


Not one to defend our disgusting media, but Candice Wyatt is an Essendon fan & stayed true during the saga. Could not imagine she’d be any less appalled than the rest of us at Bomber being hounded by that imbecile.


Journalists like that are scum, pure and simple.

But guess what, that tactic is used because it gets people watching and talking and clicking on the article or video.

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What an absolute #&$*.

I honestly don’t know how people like that sleep at night


If I was Bomba I’d have acted all confused about where I was going and kept changing direction and flinging my suitcase all over the place, accidentally on purpose wiping that media scum out.


By the look of the microphone she was carrying, it looks to have channel 9 emblems on it.


Did she also claim sexual harassment?

None of this rated a mention on ABC news btw…

Can’t understand a single word of that song but I like the title. :laughing:

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Lizzie Pearl is the ■■■■■■ in question. Tweet her and remind her that she is the lowest of low.

■■■■ The Media Lyrics

Politicians (Pollies) buy the media
To cover up their blah blah blah
Truth is the first casualty
Media controls democracy

Money gets their message on TV
And that is all the people see
The media lost independency
When Money killed democracy

Then the chorus and universally applicable bit…

Fk Fk Fk the media,




The biggest scandal in that video was Thompson’s v-neck t shirt. Blokes over 30 shouldn’t be wearing v-necks.


Pressman - Primus

By the light of the lamp I sit to type -
My notes on tab at my side
I don’t see the sun much these days
A fluorescent tan covers my hide
How much impact shall I have this time?
My goal today is to reach the deadline
I write between the lines
I deal with fantasy
I report the facts
Give them to me, please

Ham and egg salad on white bread
Keeps me company on nights like this
A pack of mentholated cigarettes
Keeps my air nice and thick
When I write, words flow
Like coins from a candy box
Get out of my way
I’ve got something to say

The pulse is beating louder now
The cramps in my hands grow
More intense with each tik, tik
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap on the keys
My social life is at an end
So it seems to be
Why don’t I trample on your lawn today?
I’ll take skies of blue, turn over skies of grey
I write between the lines
I deal with fantasy
I am the pressman
Acknowledge me


Got something against Man Cleavage? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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When it’s on a 54 yo bloke, yes.