Bruce McAvaney hangs up the mic

The only thing i didn’t like about him was him wetting himself over Rioli.

Other than that, was excellent.


His call of the 2000 QF remains a personal favourite. He and the Dons were at the top of their respective games that afternoon.

“Misiti measures it, goes for it, and kicks it!”


I usually stand above the Essendon race at Marvel games & see Bruce standing with the other commentators before they go onto the ground for the Friday night pregame segment.

He seems a genuinely good person the way he interacts with the EFC cheer squad & the kids hanging over the rails. Autographs, selfies no problem for Bruce. Looks people in the eye when he shakes their hand.

Bruce is the real deal, he’s special.


Bruce is a legend and a super nice bloke to boot.

He never seemed to be distracted by sport media’s thirst for controversy. He just loved sport and called it as he saw it.

Will be missed.


I tried listening to the game on the radio while i worked and had absolutely no idea what was happening because the commentators were chatting about whos pre season had been going well instead of what was happening in the game.

Bruce’s knowledge of the game and the Olympics was something above the expert level. His enthusiasm was downright infectious. Over the last decade he has descended to become something of a parody of himself, stringing cliches and meaningless platitudes together, and forgetting to call the actual game. This process began once Cometti retired. Together they were sensational, the best of all time, separate they were less than the sum of their parts.


Dennis started the trend in his last few years…it seemed like he was always looking for a moment to insert one of his patented lines…and then the two of them were like some sort of mutual admiration society to the detriment of the actual call of the game.


I will take your word for it, since you would have heard them call many more than l did.

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Get a room, it disgusting, it’s like you are feeding off each other


Wow…that’s some overreaction given that there were all of three posts in our conversation


hard agree

was pretty clear to me that his endearingly nerdish enthusiasm was just him doing his best to follow the direction of some moron ch 7 producer urging him to be “more entertaining

Only one minute into the quarter

@simmo41 comes back with a hard lead from @westozziebomber , ohh he’s looking good, totally dodged that reply, I am backing him all the way, can he do it!!

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Oh my, he has drilled it

Shouldn’t it be, drops the mic?

@premature_rookie_ele has taken the ball, he runs, oh look at him run, this kid is special


One of the things that’s overlooked about him is his accuracy. He very very rarely got a name or date or fact wrong - and that level of knowledge ran really deep.

It’s not particularly well known that he actually employs two researchers full time. They both work for him and he pays their salaries. He often also puts an additional one on in the lead up to an Olympics.

Given how much people in this country love sport - accuracy like that should be this standard. But these days you’ve got mouth breathers like BT who get players wrong constantly and seem to delight in the fact that they don’t actually know the rules.


@SMJ presents him self at full forward , and what a huge man he is, don’t you love him, just gives the big mark when needed.


I wish they’d have let him be the nerd he was from the early 2000s to 2010s

He got Cathy Freeman’s run right.

Peak of career 20 years ago. But yeah a bit of the furniture gone, I think we will be richer for both having had a bit of Bruce and for someone else getting a gig too.

His commentary ended up being a bit more about himself than the subject, not necessarily his fault mind you. That happened I reckon maybe 5 to 10 years ago. That was the point he might called it quits. But I guess that’s his day job! And he did it pretty well.