So that’s why we’ve got a censored words filter. When I first made the switch to Discourse I quickly typed in the most common swears I could think of, but those who are fans of foul language took advantage of this.
Recently I downloaded a huge grab-bag of swears (which is a funny read, if I’m honest) which means some fairly tame words are being censored. And that’s upsetting some posters.
Trying to get around the swear filter can lead to a ban (loosely enforced, but still possible).
If there’s a word you reckon shouldn’t be filtered, PM me. Just complaining about it in random threads doesn’t typically lead to anything being done.
Well Rolo, not sure about your views on this, but it is your site and I respect any decision you make. I will just continue to call Tripper bad words under my breath !!
That approach always applied but was mostly leniently enforced. The ones complaining the most (and therefore the most likely to read this thread) are usually the ones extracting the urine the most when it comes to creative spelling. They know what they’re doing.
Having the word ‘sex’ filtered out is pretty hardcore Hyacinth Bucket stuff to be honest.
But the overzealousness of the filter doesn’t annoy me as much as the inconsistency. A while back I wrote a post that used the word ‘■■■■■■■’ twice (it was in the climate change thread and I was replying to daytripper, so that’s my excuse), but one ■■■■■■■ was ■■■■■■■ well filtered out but the other one ■■■■■■■ well wasn’t.