General guidelines for BomberBlitz

General guidelines for BomberBlitz
- Before starting a thread, do a search to check to see if a similar thread has already been posted
- If posting a link to an article from another website, firstly check to see if the article has already been posted.  If not, please post the entire article, then include the link at the end
- Posts considered to be inappropriate will be removed (or moved to a more appropriate thread if applicable)
- The Hangar is "PG" rated - please keep this in mind when posting
- Approval must be sought from mods or admin before making posts that intend to incite a movement/reaction/organise activities on Blitz. Failure to do so will result in the posts being removed and can result in suspensions
The following will not be tolerated:
- Over the top language, abuse and threats, whether it be about other Blitzers, players, coaches, the media or any other people
- 'Broken record' type posting.  This includes posting the same thing a number of times, or re-starting threads that have previously been deleted
- Using 'alternate' accounts to bypass suspension or banning. This will result in a permanent suspension for any and all of your accounts, and any alternate accounts that are uncovered will be banned without notice.

Breaching these guidelines may result in warnings/suspensions/permanent bans, depending on the severity of the breach and any previous history of issues
If you see a post you believe violates the above guidelines, please report it.  Mods cannot be everywhere all the time
And if you don't like/don't feel you can abide by the above guidelines - LATERS!


A friendly reminder on this one…

- Using 'alternate' accounts to bypass suspension or banning. This will result in a permanent suspension for any and all of your accounts, and any alternate accounts that are uncovered will be banned without notice.
