COVID-19 - January 22 to March 22

Just got home and drive through parliamentary triangle. Lit up like a Christmas tree, many public servants working long hours at the moment.

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I think it’s fine.
It’s very difficult to swim with two heads.


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from Facebook, Number of cases of coronavirus in North Korea…


Do keep up Doe; that was in the memes thread three days ago! As I said at the time:


Or the last one to leave forgot to turn off the lights.

And did you sanitize your face and hands.

I saw people in their office.


Apparently the Arch Bishop in Australia is saying holy communion is fine, but in Greece they have stopped it.

Considering cops usually have to close streets down, I don’t think the Easter rituals will have a big turnout.

The older Greeks are all being a bit silly at the moment. I just called my parents again and told them to stay home and I will run their errands. 4 of my girlfriends have also had to do the same with their parents.


Of course but not much good if it gets into my mouth or eyes.

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And we are now over 200,000 cases worldwide with 8000 deaths.

4% fatality rate.

I have the opposite view when it comes to older people. I think if you take the necessary precautions you should be visiting more often to make sure they are Ok and to also ensure their home is as clean as possible

Cleanliness is great, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t a key contributor here.

Personal hygiene, sure. But by visiting more often you are creating the problem that personal hygiene is there to protect from

Summary : what the?

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Nah. When you consider up to 50% of people who are infected never appear in the official figures then the actual mortality will probably be less than 1%.


At a minimum 4% on those numbers given some would still have not recovered.

Only if we had reliable data about infections. Probably far more people already have it but are not presenting enough symptoms to bother with testing.


Team, can we all just acknowledge that we are making up numbers for funsies.

We won’t really know for quite some time yet.


You take precautions and you wont be carrying the virus. In HK generations of people live together and theu have avoided large scale community transmission. It can be done.

They’re ok and clean. I want the former to stay that way. I’ll still visit but keep distance.

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of course samwoods the death toll is not actually real!